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Heeseung pov

I walked to my dorm after I left jungwon at the nurses office, I opened the door seeing sunghoon getting ready. "Where you going?" I ask
I'm going to a dance meet, Niki asked me to attend with him" sunghoon replied to my question As I walk towards my bed." What happened to you" I heard he ask." I fell while saving your brother from getting hit by a car" I replied to him as I start wiping my cut. "Won! Where is he?" sunghoon asked "he's in the nurses office" I said. "Okay thanks" sunghoon said, dashing out the

Author pov
In class

"Okay everyone we're having a test next week so don't skip or be late to class alright " the teacher said.
"Heeseung buddy can I barrow your notes ? Please" sunghoon asked. "no asshole why didn't you do it yourself" heeseung replied. "Come on dude please ..... please just a few minutes" sunghoon begged. " no you deserve it no one told you to miss classes yesterday," heeseung scolds sunghoon.
"Lee heeseung I'm your friend take a look at me bro see I'm very stressed out and my hands are very weak," sunghoon acted. How can I study when my mom is always on my ass for jungwon," sunghoon said "should I feel sorry for you ?" Heeseung asked. " I'd help you if you were studying but instead you spent the night out" heeseung turned to sunghoon. " I wasn't out I was with jungwon helping him with his dorm" sunghoon said. " please pity your handsome friend" sunghoon begged once more and heeseung got annoyed and pass sunghoon the book."thank you my friend" sunghoon said. As he start studying, heeseung got up and left the class room." Where are you going?" Sunghoon asked. "I'm going to foot ball practice" heeseung answered. "Okay I'll see you there" sunghoon replied.

Jake pov

Today I'm going to tryout for the football and I'm headed to the field with some of my classmates.

Few minutes later.

"Hey freshman gather around here" I heard a voice called it was Jungwon's brother Sunghoon.

"I'm park sunghoon the captain of the team and those two are heeseung and Jay my co captains," Sunghoon hyung mentioned.

"Today is your chance to be apart of something big and if your not good on the field it's best if you leave now before we proceed" heeseung said as we all looked around."okay then give me 4 laps around the field" sunghoon shouted. "Jake can you come here for a moment" he called me as I ran to him.
" you called me hyung?"I asked
"Yea I was wondering if your free later tonight?" He asked "yea I am,My classes finished earlier" I mentioned. "OK so will you go with me to this new restaurant that opened across campus?" He asked me. "Sure I'd love too" I said with a smile. " okay I'll pick u up then" he said with a big smile on his face " okay then hyung if there's nothing else I'll leave now" I said as I went off running behind the others.

Author pov

"Sunghoon can you handle this yourself I need to go somewhere thanks budd" heeseung said as he ran off.

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