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"yes right on time, heeseung bro where were you last night? do you know? its all your fault that I'm late because you didn't wake me up" sunghoon said. "i did when i went back to the room but you keep saying 5 more mins ,so i let you sleep more" heeseung said looking at his phone." damn why did you listen to me? you know damn well that i was sleep talking i had a lot of homework last night and i sleep talk when I'm tired " sunghoon cried. " yeah sure " heeseung said as he finally looked at sunghoon." oi heeseung confess to me last night you were..... oiiii i don't want to know" sunghoon said. " oh yea i was with your brother, you should check on him he got hurt pretty badly last night but he's ok " heeseung said. " jungwon got hurt how come you didn't tell me hee" sunghoon said."  i don't know we went straight to a hotel when i found him and we forgot." heeseung said. "where is he now? " sunghoon asked. " he went back to his dorm room" heeseung said " ok ill go see him later." sunghoon said as the teacher walked in.

time skipped (at heeseungs dorm).

heeseung was on the balcony waiting for jungwon to text him." hee, HEE have you seen my underwear? i hang it there outside get if for me please." sunghoon asked but heeseung didn't answer " heeseung .... can you hear me?" sunghoon yelled. " HEESEUNG!!" sunghoon shouted again. "are you waking your great grand pa from his death?" heeseung asked. "i called you so many times but you didn't answer, ayyyy you've been worrying about my brother hahaha he's ok hee, jake told me, why don't you give him a call? " sunghoon said. "don't be stupid hoon i told you his phone got stolen" heeseung said." oh yea, my mom said she will get him a new one." sunghoon replied and earned an smile from heeseung. 

time skipped (at the foot ball field) 

heeseung made his way to the field,he was happy about jungwon getting a new phone, he laid on the grass until he got a text from jungwon


hyung i got a new phone

i won't go to school for a few days

these bruises still hurts

thank you for today 

and good night 

heeseung sat up and stared at the text jungwon's  sent as a smile creeps up on his face , he replied to jungwon texted with a big smile as he fell back down into the grass

good night wonnie 

at jungwon

"except for my mom's number, your number is the first one on my phone" jungwon said as he placed his phone on the bed and looked at his hands, rubbing it softly with a bright smile.

 short chapter but i'm back

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