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" ay heeseung!!! Why didnt you tell me that you skipped soccer practice?" Sunghoon asked " i did dumbass" heeseung replied. " do you know today is not my day? After we separated i went to buy something to eat , got to class late and now jake hates me " sunghoon said flopping on his bed .  " heeseung dude are you listening to me ?" Sunghoon ask . "Why is he mad at you ?" Heeseung answered with a question. "He said that he saw me with a girl yesterday and cause of me we got in trouble with our lecturer" sunghoon said getting up from his bed. " where you with a girl?" Heeseung asked another question while he was on his laptop.
" yea she asked me for a ride and i told her no" sunghoon answered. " enough about me how about jungwon, jay told me what happened is he ok?" Sunghoon asked calmly. " I don't know he must've been scared" heeseung said. "Im glad you're there for my brother hesseung" sunghoon said. " yea i better go shower now cause I'm really tired" heeseung said as he made his way to the shower.

Jungwon was on his way to a class when he suddenly his phone went of.


Are you coming to have
breakfast with me

I can't today I'm already at my building.
I woke up late today

Tomorrow then

"Ohhhhh who got you smiling like that" a voice called from behind. " no one" jungwon said shutting off his phone. " you sure about that won" jake stated. "Im sure now lets go or we'll be late" jungwon said.

Heeseung was at soccer practice,he was tired so he went to get some water as he was about to drink his water his phone went off


Thanks for asking me
in this morning

Ill be on campus pretty late

Would you like
to have dinner with me?

"Even his texting is cute " heeseung said with a smile.

I'll call you after
soccer practice

"Heeseung what are you doing ? Taking a lazy break? Jay has the boys running while passing the ball, i saw you come over here so i came to check on you" sunghoon mentioned. " yea I'm fine i just needed water" Heeseung replied. " you two hurry up we need to finish practice so get your asses up and help me" jay yelled. " not a word from Jake huh" heeseung asked looking at the younger on the field. " no not yet but ill talk to him soon" sunghoon said as he got up. "Ok you better hurry before someone tries to steal him" heeseung said.

To be continued

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