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jake was on his phone not paying attention to where he was walking" owww" he whispered as rubbed his forehead." we meet at last" a voice said. jake looked up to the chest he collided into."S sunghoon hyung" jake called silently."
 are you still angry at me baby?" sunghoon asked but got no answer as jake tried to get away but sunghoon stopped him." hyung move out the way ill be late" jake said trying to move around sunghoon but failed, "look jake i'm sorry ok i was never flirting with that girl i told you already" sunghoon said" hyung we're not dating why are you telling me this?" jake asked." because i like you jake i like you since u arrived the first day with my brother" sunghoon said but jake kept silent." i know you don't like me back but please jake i don't want you to be mad at me anymore it hurts me to see you ignore me." sunghoon said holding the younger's hands. " me ,heeseung and jungwon are going to the movie do you want to join? let me make it up to you please babe this once" sunghoon asked staring at jake who is thinking about what sunghoon said. " fine ill come" jake said as a smile grew on sunghoon's face. " thank you jake ill come pick you and jungwon at 12:00 tomarrow afternoon ok, thank you so much"sunghoon said as jake was nodded at him." you're not gonna regret this jakey i promise" sunghoon said running away from jake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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