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heeseung walked out the shower meeting sunghoon on his bed playing on his phone. "how was your date" heeseung asked. " it went well, we went to the mall and got some clothes" sunghoon replied. a while of silence and suddenly sunghoon broke the silence " jungwon likes you" sunghoon mentioned with his eyes still on his phone. "nonsense" heeseung said looking for his uniform." keep saying that, i'm pretty sure he has feelings for you, i saw him being all shy because of you " sunghoon said " don't be silly hoon you know i only see him as a little brother" heeseung said. " heeseung hes my little brother if he does have feelings for you , you gotta tell him how you feel or he'll get mixed signals from you and i don't want to see my baby brother cry." sunghoon said. "its okay hoon cause i don't see him that way" heeseung said as he finish buttoning his clothes. " that's good then, if my brother come crying to me about you i'll kill you " sunghoon said as he got up from his bed." stop talking nonsense i'm sure jungwon doesn't like me like that" heeseung said grabbing his bag" if you say so" sunghoon said walking out the door.

At school

"hey jungwon do you know that the professor is assigning a group project of four people?" a girl said. "i heard from the senior who took this class before us, do you wanna join our group?" the boy spoke after his friend. "right lets work together, i promise we load all the work on you" the other girl said." ok sure i can join" jungwon said to the girls with a smile." thanks won " they all said and run off the their seats.

sunghoon and jake

sunghoon was walking to his car from one of his lectures when a girl came to him." sunghoon oppa ,can you give me a ride? my house is not far from your house please ... please please five me a ride " the girl asked sunghoon.

while sunghoon was talking to the girl jake showed up with sunoo " jake isn't that sunghoon hyung" sunoo asked as jake looked up. " yea that's him" jake said upon seeing the guy he like with another girl. he felt really upset but didn't want sunoo to noticed, but little did he know sunoo did noticed" jake are you ok ?" sunoo asked " yeah i'm fine lets just go" jake said while turning away.

heeseung and jungwon

in class before sunghoon went to the parking lot .

"omg i so hate calculus i never get this class " sunghoon yelled."here sunghoon hyung, which subject you didn't understand?" niki said to his hyung." it ok niki thanks though" sunghoon said ." hey guys, its almost lunch. where should we eat today?" a girl asked. "the canteen at the freshman area" heeseung said. " freshman area huh " sunghoon said looking at heeseung. "what do you guys say? should we go?" heeseung said. " dude you can't just ignore me like that"sunghoon said. " no too far ill eat somewhere around here" niki said. " same here. i have class in the afternoon, its too far away" yunjin said. " ok then i'm leaving " heeseung said." sure hyung ill see you " niki said as he got up from his seat and walking towards the door with yunjin. " ok i have to go see jake so i'm leaving with him" sunghoon called out. " dude wait for me" sunghoon said running behind heeseung.

jungwon pov

"hello auntie this is jungwon, jungwon's classes has finished early today, can you teach me how to cook the shrimp rice soup?" jungwon said on the phone with someone" i can cook for you won, why do you have to do it yourself? " the lady asked on the other side of the phone." i want to cook it by myself , its for someone so please please teach me please" jungwon said with a big smile. " of course i always lose when you beg me like that, ill get the ingredients ready for when you come home okay" the lady said. " thank you so much, and please get the biggest shrimps please " jungwon said in an exciting tone." thank you auntie" jungwon said as he hung up the phone. before jungwon could put away his phone it rung but he didn't answer. " hyunjun hyung" jungwon said with a surprised tone." whats up baby" hyunjun said looking at the boy.

"why isn't he picking up" heeseung said as he was ringing jungwon's phone so many times, he eventually turn off his phone and went to his motorbike, as he got onto the bike he started it but before he can move off he tried calling jungwon's phone again. " il'l go with you" someone said it was jay, jay was also a close friend of heeseung and sunghoon. " jay what are you doing here" heeseung said taking off his helmet. " sunghoon sent me he said you are going to see his brother and send me to go with you " jay said." fine lets go" heeseung said. as jay got on the bike and rode off.

"come here" hyunjun shouted. "hyunjun hyung let me go" jungwon cried. " i said come here" hyunjun repeated. " hyunjun let me go , i said let me go .... stop" jungwon said trying to get out of hyunjun's grip." come here won i wont say it again so stop fighting" hyunjun said as he place jungwon on the wall of the building. " hyunjun hyung" jungwon called as hyunjun's hand was place on his neck.

"you think that i wanna touch you so much huh? i told you, right won" hyunjun said looking jungwon up and down. " that you disgust me" hyunjun said. " then let me go" jungwon said. "give me the money, then ill let you go" hyunjun said. "i'm not giving you anything, not a single penny" jungwon said trying to fight his way out of hyunjun's arms. "let me go please" jungwon begged. " if you try to move again,ill punch you down" hyunjun said in a dominant voice which scared jungwon." then do it" he said in a tiny voice. " we're in the middle of campus, if you want people to see then punch me go ahead" jungwon said looking him in the eyes. " are you threatening me?" hyunjun shouted which caught someones attention.

"hey heeseung isnt that jungwon?" jay asked as heeseung slowed down his bike and hopped right off leaving jay to control and park the motorbike. " hey" heeseung said as he ran towards jungwon and his ex, throwing his helmet at hyunjun. " if you dare then fight me " heeseung said in an dominant voice. " you again you asshole" hyunjun said pushing heeseungs shoulder" you again, you scumbag" heeseung replied." get out of my business this is between me and him i want to talk to jungwon only " hyunjun said looking at jungwon. " if you talk nicely i'm fine with it but what i see is you bullying him" heeseung said as he walked up to jungwon. " hey are you alright heeseung said touching jungwons cheeks and rubbing them with his thumbs." i'm ok hyung " jungwon replied looking heeseung in the eyes. " you're one of those too, right?expecting some money from him right? what else does he has only the money in his bank accounts , a guy like you i bet he doesn't have to pay much" hyunjun said to heeseung." hey ... what are you saying are you insulting him? who are you anyways? huh?" jay yelled." are you gonna gang up on me? such a dirty fight. huh?" hyunjun yelled " it's a dirty fight for you. but for the good guys like us its called a untied fight" jay said " jay step aside i can take him down myself you wanna beat me right? come on you can punch me first but if you start it wont end so easily " heeseung said. " i don't believe you are fighting 1 on 1 with me remember this its not ending like this especially you baby ill come back for you when your body guard isn't around." hyunjun said as he left. "are you ok " heeseung asked jungwon " i'm fine" jungwon responded ." he called you baby " heeseung whispered into jungwon's ears but jungwon didnt respond. " i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that " heeseung said " its ok hyung really" jungwon said with a smile. " ok won i'm glad you're ok cause your brother would've killed me come on lets get you some water." heeseung said

"here" heeseung said as he place the water on jungwon's cheeks. " hyung" jungwon called "mmm " heeseung respond. " i thank you for helping me again and i'm sorry for almost getting you into trouble you can be mad at me" jungwon said looking to the ground."haven't i told you already to call me when you are in trouble, am i only an acquaintance to you? , you're my little brother i'm here to protect you and keep you safe won? no matter what difficulties or trouble you're in just know ill move mountains for you do you understand? " heeseung ask as he saw how the little boy in front of him starting to tear up." hey, don't cry" heeseung said. " i'm not crying because i'm sad, i'm just happy ,so happy that i wanted to cry." jungwon said to heeseung as his hyung rubs his head."from now on i wont let anyone hurt you i will take care of you" heeseung said when he got up from where he is sitting . as they stared at each other heeseung placed his hands out for jungwon. the younger was confused on what to do,so he stared at his hyung after a while he grabbed his hands and got up.

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