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they all finished their food, it was time for jungwon to go home, so heeseung walked him home. " are you full?" heeseung asked. " yes i am hyung thank you"jungwon said with a smile. " told you that the food there was good" heeseung said as he chuckled. " i argee with you hyung" jungwon replied while looking at his hyung. " this is my stop i should go in now thanks for walking me here" jungwon thank his hyung as he put his keys towards the locked door  but before he can heeseung grabbed his arm. " jungwon?" heeseung called " yes?" jungwon repsoned. " am i annoying you ?" heeseung asked " ofc not hyung, why would you think that?" jungwon asked as he looked up at heeseung." i just think i'm meddling too much into your life a bit, you never asked for it but it's me who jumped right into your life i might be too much on taking care of you and annoying you" heeseung said as he walked closer to jungwon."hyung" jungwon said as he looked at heeseung's lips."yea" heeseung said as he leaned closer without realizing it. " i think i should be the one to ask you that question" jungwon said as he looked heeseung in his eyes to see the older staring right back at him." jungwon" heeseung called as he saw jungwon's eyes closed, so he placed his hands on jungwon's face and slowly made his way to the youngers lips. 

finally their lips made contact and they kissed. 

beep beep

a car passed them as jungwon pushed heeseung away an ran inside. "see you tomarrow hyung" jungwon shouted

finally  they kissed  i wonder how they will be tomarrow  

see ya!!!

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