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jungwon was on his way out his building so he decided to call heeseung. " maybe hyung has to  practice late today" he said out load pushing the phone in his pocket. " hey you" someone said from behind,as jungwon turned to see who it is it was hyunjun.

jungwon fell on the ground because of the force hyunjun used. " hyunjun, what do you want from me?" jungwon asked soaked from the rain. " don't play dumb i want money" hyunjun said as he shouted at jungwon "no" jungwon said "no?" hyunjun asked throwing jungwon's bag to the floor. " oh baby don't you lie to me i know you do" hyunjun said as he licked jungwon's face. " i really don't have it" jungwon cried. " oh please i'm so sorry for what happened between us in the past but i do really need the money.. please and i will stop bothering you from now on please won," hyunjun begged while holding jungwon's face."you have already taken too much from me i don't have any more for you" jungwon said " 200k , only 200k jungwon please" hyunjun pleaded. " i don't have it" jungwon said. "the last 200k give it to me " hyunjun continued." i don't have it, i really don't have" jungwon repeated." i don't believe you" hyunjun shouted" its my family's money its not mine" jungwon said trying to keep his eyes open. " i know you have the money in your saving account" hyunjun said as he held jungwon by his shirt closely to his face. " no...no" jungwon cried out. " are you gonna give me or not? huh? give me " hyunjun asked.  " no" jungwon said in a soft voice." no? fine" hyunjun said as he punched and kicked jungwon over and over." give me the money" hyunjun keeps on repeating as he keep on kicking jungwon in the stomach, " you said you don't have the money so what is this" hyunjun said as he pulled out money from jungwon's wallet, he then took his watch and his phone and ran away.

at heeseung 

"hey niki, where is yujin? why didnt join us at lunch today?" sunghoon asked. "why do you have to ask me? she cant go anywhere farther than around here, hunting some handsome guys around here. no idea how many she had eaten already " niki laughed. " right i forgot and if she has more then she might explode" sunghoon said laughing. "true" niki said." talking about eating. now i'm hungry, let find something to eat." sunghoon said." sure" niki agreed" same place?" sunghoon asked" yep" niki said " ok lets go hee are you coming?" sunghoon asked.  "no i'm fine" heeseung said calling jungwon, but got no answer so he called again, he was about to leave when he got a call from taki.

hello taki i cant speak right now,( hyung i have something important to ask you?) whats the matter? hurry up( you wont be mad at me if i ask you this right? well have you just been beating up an freshman? i'm outside the freshman building someone got beat up badly laying down here, he keep saying lee heeseung lee heeseung) jungwon? (who is jungwon) hey taki take care of him for me please don't let him be there alone." heeseung then hung up the phone and ran.

at jungwon

"are you ok?" taki ask but got no response so he decide to wait for heeseung. 

heeseung was running super fast because he was worried.

"there there" taki pointed, "wonnie" heeseung called as he ran towards the boy on the ground, "won? won? wonnie , are you ok ? are you alright" heeseung as he picked up the boy " i'm here won , you don't have to be scared anymore , no one can harm you anymore " heeseung cried. "are you ok ? won why didn't you tell me , why didn't you " heeseung said as he laid jungwon on his shoulders. " you'll be alright i'm here now don't be afraid of anything anymore" heeseung said as he hugged the boy in front of him.

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