Bored and boring: aka GROSS!

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Today is my first day at a new school. Not to be that transfer student cliche, but I'm totally being the transfer student cliche. I just moved recently and as a result had to change schools, which sucks by the way. I loved my old school well enough, had a couple close friends and such. Eh whatever, complaining isn't gonna bring me back.

Walking up to the school I could hear people talking about me. They were wondering basic stuff like my looks, personality, if I'll "be another Nendo". I don't know what that means but I hope I'm not. Truth be told I'm pretty average. My hair's normal, my height is normal, I'm not too smart nor am I horrifically stupid. Okay, that last part could be debated, but academically I'm fine.

The result of these traits is that, after my introduction to the class, nobody really cared about me. A bit of a stab to my ego, but it's better than getting bullied I guess. The teacher sat me next to some random guy who is unimportant in every sense of the word and class went off without a hitch.

Eventually school ends, thank the lord, and I start packing my bag. I notice that all the oddballs of my class flock to this one guy's desk. To be honest I hadn't payed much attention to him, but now that I've got a good look he's kind of weird. Not in an ugly way, but his choice of accessories is definitely questionable. Green glasses and hair clips. On their own nobody would question them, but together? Who wears hair clips like those to school anyways..?

When he turns his head and looks at me I realize I've probably been staring. Whoops. Anyways, unlike him I have no friends here meaning I need to finish packing and leave.

On the walk home I notice the weird hair clip guy —Saiku? Saiki? Yeah, Saiki— following me. Either he's a freak or he lives this direction, either way I think I'm going to divert and go to a cafe. Not because of him, though, but because I totally flaked on packing a lunch for today and am now hungry as hell.

My parents aren't gonna be around for a while, so no need to let them know where I'm gonna be. They work in another city and usually just sleep in hotels there. No idea why they'd move over here just to stay out there, but whatever they do with their money is up to them I guess.

After stopping for a snack I go do some grocery shopping. Nothing interesting happened, in case you were wondering. But now I have the bare bones of what I need to survive! Hooray!

Once I get home it's fairly late, around 8pm, and putting away the groceries takes another twenty minutes. That's not to speak of the next hours I've spent decorating my room. Basically speaking, its 2am by the time I'm done with everything and I have to wake up for school in four hours. Great.

As one last act for the day, I listen to music and set little plastic animals around the house as if it's a zoo. They're super tiny, about the size of two finger digits, meaning that I can set a bunch of em on any surface. Of course I opt for places out of the way, like shelves and table corners, I'm no lunatic. Or maybe I am, I just spent another hour doing that. Oh well, three hours of sleep is better than none.

— A/N —

rewrote 8/23/23 :3 its shorter now and very different but im way happier with it !!

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now