Smiles for all

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Teruhashi ran up to me and initiated a conversation for the first time in.. a while actually! She was asking me questions about Saiki though, so it doesn't count as much of a friendly chat. Mostly she just wanted to know how I got him to not hate me.

Unsure of how to answer, I tell her the truth that we just started hanging out after a study session. She looks dejected at the news and mutters a quiet "He doesn't even come to my study dates.."

Study.. dates? No wonder he doesn't go, Saiki isn't the romantic type. He'd rather visit his brother for a week than go on a date, I know this because I'm quoting him. He said it before losing at the game we were playing, Mario was it? Orr... Roblox? I do like forcing him to play Roblox.. Maybe Minecraft?--

My thoughts are cut off when a certain pink haired boy snuck up behind me, leaned down, and whispered "Boo." in my ear.


"Whatever you say."

Teruhashi stares at us like we were monsters from the depths of the ocean. I swear that for a second I can see her scowl before excusing herself to go home.

"What's her deal.."

"Don't worry about it."

"Soooo..." I start speaking "...Do you wanna go walk around town? They're starting to put up Christmas decorations!!"

"In November?"

"You have been alive for so many years how is that still a question. Yes in November. Do you want to go or not?"

He stares at me with his usual unreadable expression, well, unreadable to most. I can see him holding back his equivalent of a smile which makes my heart flutter. 'What. No it doesn't.' Once I snap out of my thoughts he is.. slightly smiling? I'll take it.

"You gonna answer or should I go invite... hmmm..." I think of what answer would annoy him most "Toritsuka?"

His grin immediately dissapears "I'm going."

"Woo okay! Let's go home first though, I wanna grab some money and change clothes."


I hear L/N knocking on my door and notice she's wearing the jacket I gave her at the cafe.

"Nice jacket."

Apparently she didn't think I'd notice, causing her to panic attempting to think of a comeback.

"Thanks. Stole it from some nerd."

"He has a name."

"Whatever. COME ONN" She exclaims before grabbing me by the hand and dragging me around.

"LOOK LOOOKKKK SAIKIIIIIII" Turning to see what she was yelling about, I see some figures from an anime she likes.

"Do you want them?"

"Hmmm no I don't wanna spend all my money I brought immediately"

I ponder over her answer and excuse myself to the restroom. Unbeknownst to her, I'm being the kind generous man that I always am. Always. To everyone. 'Come to think of it, why am I doing this for her? It's not like she's that special, no offence.'

I finish my thought as the cashier hands me the figures in a bag. "Have a great day!" Instead of responding I walk away.

L/N is sat down on a bench, definitely zoned out because there isn't a thought coming from her head. Sitting next to her I tap her on the shoulder, which sends her jolting up with a "Whatever you just said I agree with!"

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now