kusuo im going to end your life (untrue)

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You might be wondering how we're so far in and I still haven't accidentally revealed my powers to Y/N, and I have an easy answer for you.

I have.

Multiple times.

She's just dumb.

I've accidentally teleported in front of her twice, got caught using pyrokinesis once, was seen using apport once, and accidentally replied to her thoughts five times. Each and every time she's convinced herself that she's just losing it. It's great and all but I need to stay alert, she's not stupid like Nendou. She's.. smart in her own way, sure, but not stupid.

'Why is this purple creep following me. GO AWAY I DON'T WANT TO KNOW MY GUARDIAN SPIRIT.'

Ah, Toritsuka finally made his way to Y/N. I was wondering how long it would take, but considering that she's not extraordinarily beautiful by the school's standards she wasn't exactly high up on his list. It took a few months, but what really shocked me is what Toritsuka ended up thinking in response to Y/N finally turning around to talk to him.

'OH FUCK THAT'S SAIKI'S GIRLFRIEND. I CAN'T FLIRT WITH HER, HE'LL KILL ME OR SOMETHING' Two things; she's not my girlfriend, and he ended up flirting with her anyways. As I walked up to them I heard a part of their conversation.

"Hey cutie~ Wanna hear about your guardian spirit?" 'She's gotta be into the spiritual crap right?'

"Um. I'm okay." 'I want to kill myself so bad right now. Leave me aloonnnee' She's not serious about that, I should clarify.

I actually want to know what her's is, it has to be god himself or something judging by how she's still alive despite her general personality.

"OH, SAIKI! I swear I wa-" He sputters out upon seeing me.

"Shut up, we aren't dating." Upon saying this Y/N blushes slighyly, but I choose to ignore it for now. "I'm curious about her guardian spirit though."

As he looks at her guardian spirit I take off the thin plastic glove that blocks my psychometry power and rest my hand on his shoulder.

Joining Toritsuka I'm actually surprised. I look up and I see.. me? I'm still alive though, so this can't be right.

"Guys? What is it? Kusuo why are you also looking, don't tell me you think you're a.. medium or whatever it was too?"

Shaking my head I return to my usual face, deciding against a response. Anything I say would just make her connect the dots of all the mishaps I stated at the beginning of the chapter.

"Well at least tell me who it is! I'm curious!!!"

'Uh oh..!' is all I hear from the purple haired psychic's head.

"Y-Yes! She's a beautiful.. traditional Japanese woman... she looks very capable of keeping you safe!!" Toritsuka says, rather unconvincingly. Thank god Y/N doesn't question most things, hell she doesn't even believe in spirits.

'I should've known that the second I asked for results he'd freeze up. If you're going to pretend to see ghosts at LEAST be good at improvising.' She thinks as she starts walking away

That's Y/N's thoughts on the situation, so we are fine for now. My main concern is that I'm her guardian spirit despite being very alive.

"Expect me to visit you at your place soon."

"Yeah.. bye Saiki.." He mutters before I teleport away. Lord. This is too much to think about.


After a few hours I finally show up to Toritsuka's house. I skip the formality of knocking and teleport straight in, finding that he's (unsurprisingly) staring at porno mags.



"Whatever, have you figured it out yet?"


"Do I need to knock some sense into you?" I threaten, clenching my hand into a fist and pulling my arm back.


"Then answer."

"I don't- I don't know, man! Unless you have a long lost twin or something then I don't know!"

"Aren't you supposed to be the ghost guy?" I ask, mocking him.

"You already know that my powers are limited to spirit summoning and talking to ghosts" he huffs in response.

"Spirit summon the.. other me."

"And let a version of you take over my body? No thank you."

"Maybe you need some encouragement..." I say, balling up my fist again

"FINE FINE! But I can't just.. do it right here and now! I mean, the 'spirit' isn't even around!" He puts spirit in air quotes, emphasizing that he isn't sure what it's deal is.

"Let's go find it then."


short chapter Becaususeee I have work tomorrow and gotta get my beauty sleep :3

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now