cuties for sure!

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It's just another day, Kusuo and I are going on a walk together so he can avoid his friends and we're mostly silent. I can't tell why, but his mind seems to be somewhere else. Turning to look at him, I notice that he has a slight blush going and his eyebrows are very slightly furrowed. Whatever he's thinking about has really got him worked up, because he hasn't noticed me staring yet.

"Earth to Kusuoooo, what's going on up there?" I ask, nudging his shoulder to regain his attention.

He just looks at me, his cheeks tinting a slightly redder shade before returning to normal immediately, and shakes his head. "Nothing you'd be interested in."

I arch my eyebrow slightly and look him in the eyes, muttering a suspicious "Sure.."

Clearing my throat I decide to change topics, "Hey Kusuo wanna come to my place tonight? I'll cook."

He starts looking really nervous but nods his head slowly, sweating a bit. No detail goes unnoticed by me so I make sure he knows he doesn't have to come if he doesn't want to. He still says yes though, so whatever. It's not like he can't leave at any point if needed.

We begin the walk back home, which will take about ten minutes give or take a few. Once again we fall into a comfortable silence, leaving me with my thoughts.

My relationship with Kusuo is weird. I know I keep saying it but I seriously can't figure out what we are anymore. I like him, obviously, and I'm pretty sure he likes me too. Sometimes it's so hard for me to act normal around him but other times, like now, it's as though those feelings were never there. Not to say I'm not totally stoked right now, but the way we hang out most of the time still just feels.. normal. It feels like we're just being friends again with none of these foreign emotions between us. Thinking back to all the times we spent together as friends feels no different than the time we are spending together now. I'm not sure if I like it or not. Of course, mutual crushes don't have to be acted upon, but is it bad that I want to act upon ours without having our dynamic change? It's just a label, sure, but I've seen how a simple change in status can totally flip people's relationships. I don't want that to happen with us, but part of me does? Part of me wants to see Kusuo's romantic side, to know how he'd treat me as his girlfriend compared to how he treats me now. Would that change anything for me? If he acted different in a relationship? Would I be less interested in the 'new' version of Kusuo?

No, of course not. I love every version of him.

Speaking of Kusuo, he flicks my forehead to let me know we're at my house. Rude.

We walk in and he makes himself at home. I invested in furniture for him so that he doesn't have to sit on the floor all the time, which he seems to appreciate.

"Any requests?" I ask.

"Nope, you choose." He says. Damn it, truth be told I am horrifically indecisive and he knows this.

"Got it, dinner will be up shortly!" I call out from the kitchen.

Blablabla yadda yadda you get the drill, I came out with two bowls of soup and plop down next to him on the couch.

I turn on the television as we eat, finding some stupid kids cartoon for us to make fun of together. That's one of my favorite things we do, he's so quick with his remarks and they're always hilarious.

It takes two episodes, due to our frequent breaks from eating to poke fun at the show, but eventually we finish our dinners and dessert.

Kusuo pulls his phone out for a second and I, of course, watch him type like a snoop.

He notices my prying gaze and decides to explain his actions to me, "I'm telling Mom that I'm spending the night again."

"And who exactly invited you to do that?"

"I did"

"What if I have plans? What if any moment now all of the gorgeous ladies who are in love with me burst through the door? I can't be a bad host to the beautiful babes, Kusuo!"

He rolls his eyes at me, "If you had any game at all I wouldn't be here right now."

Gasping, I take the opportunity to turn my face away from his dramatically. Nothing against him, it's just really hard not to start ogling at him otherwise. Although, maybe that wouldnt be such a bad thing.

Either way, we keep up the banter for a few minutes before resuming our show and dulling the chit-chat.

I find myself staring at Kusuo, and soon enough he's staring back.

Something about this moment is oddly serene. I examine his face and he looks.. soft, for lack of a better term. He carries a gentle expression and, whilst he isn't smiling, I can tell he's not upset. Suddenly I feel my own face heating up. Despite how flustered I am internally, I manage to get out just one question.

"Can we um," I pause, attempting to find the words, "...Y'know? Kiss?"

I totally fail to articulate myself in a non-embarassing manner, but he seems not to mind nonetheless.



short-ish chapter but WOOO THEY FINALLY KISSED only took 26 chapters. freaks.

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