what a charming asshole. too bad he heard all that.

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"It's a date then."

'I think my heart just stopped. This is the end. Heaven is taking me away at long last. I can hear the angels singing-'

"Stop standing there and go back to your desk."

'Kind as ever' I think spitefully before returning the chair to it's original location and going to my seat. Believe it or not but, despite the reader x Saiki nature of this fic, I'm sat ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ROOM. It's a miracle I even met this asshole.

Oh but what a charming asshole he is. I need to see him dead. I'm lying I just can't process how many positive feelings he gives me. It's weird, I thought I've had crushes and stuff before but I've never felt this way with them. Were they really crushes or is this something different? Oh my god what if this isn't what a crush feels like and I'm just leading him on.

No, I worry too much. After looking at the back of his head (romantic I know) I feel those all too familiar butterflies in my stomach.

'CHRIST' The bell sounds off, indicating the end of class and scaring the shit out of me.

I can see Kusuo chuckle a little bit, he probably saw me jump. That damn bell always catches me off guard.

'Oh my god. OH MY GOD I HAVE A DATE. OH MY GOD I HAVE A DATE WITH KUSUO. OH MY GOD.' I can always rely on my ability to process events an hour after they happen. I'm so nervous oh my god.

We walk home together in silence as per the usual. I say silence, but what I really mean is I'm screaming in my head about every little detail.

Fiddling with the ring in my pocket I remember the main reason I asked him out. I noticed he sometimes wears this one ring, and after quizzing his mother I found out that the material is what he really cares about, not the ring specifically. After learning this I, like the perfect best friend I am, went out and bought him a more personalized ring. It's nothing especially meaningful or funny, just a heart and the first letters of our first names on either side. I was going to make it based on a joke of ours, but jokes stop being funny over time and I want the ring to be something special forever. I also got one for me so we can be matching, but I care more about his. Is that cheesy?

Oh, I didn't even realize I was already home. Okay. I rush in and put on something I felt cute in, as well as packing a picnic bag.

Once I'm done I mosey over to Kusuo's house and knock like the kind lady I am. Kind and nice. His mother answers instead of him, which is amazing because I adore her.

"OHH Y/N dear you look so cute! Is this all for my little Kuu? He's right in his room why don't you treat yourself to a drink while you wait!"

Despite my months of knowing her, her kindness is always a surprise. "Oh thank you!" Is all I can say before making my way inside and taking a seat on the couch.

'God what is he doing up there?? Fighting monsters? He better hurry up or my cake might get mushy..'

Right on cue he walks downstairs. He's dressed like he usually is, which makes me worry that I'm overdressed. I mean, it IS a date but maybe he was joking..? NO now is NOT the time to be doubting myself, now is the time to hopefully not fuck up my relationship with my crush-best friend-thing-guy! (If you like the name, thanks, came up with it myself)

I pick up my disgustingly heavy bag (full of a blanket and lots of food) and make my way to the door.

"After you." He says, holding the door open for me. God damn him and his charming-ass mannerisms I don't know how I'm even going to survive this date.

"Thank you.." 'What the hell was that. I SOUNDED SO NERVOUS WHY DID I DO THAT the world is crumbling around me this is the end.'


Me and Kusuo set up all the stuff and I pull out my greatest creation yet; a coffee jelly cake. There's also a strawberry cream cake, but that's more for me than anything. Despite my love of all things Kusuo, still can't stand coffee jelly.

He looks like he's about to cry, which was NOT my desired effect at all.


"You're an angel" He says, very suddenly returning to his monotone self.

"So close! They're called girls, hope this helps!"

Instead of appreciating my funny quip he starts wolfing down the coffee jelly cake. Dear lord this boy can eat.

All the time I spent making the damn thing is worthwhile though, I mean just look at him! 'Total cutie pie! WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING I sound so cheesy.'

He finishes his cake in record time and I decide to give him his gift. I really hope he likes it, I went a bit out of my usual gift budget to have this one special made for him.

"Hey Kusuo, I actually got you something.." I pause and fiddle around in my pocket, looking for the ring "As a thank you for staying with me, lord knows I can be a handful" I say, chuckling a little.

"You don't need to thank me for being your friend"

"Yeah yeah but just take it, okay? It seriously means a lot to me." I smile before finally finding the ring. Do I want to make a joke or should I keep the mood....... I think I'll keep the mood, jokes can wait.

I present him with the germanium ring "I know you like that one ring of yours, so I thought maybe we could have matching rings..." I mumble sheepishly, since when have I been so nervous?

Kusuo looks me up and down before slipping the ring onto his finger. Some part of me feels complete knowing we have a connection like this, even if it'll never turn into anything more.

We spend the next few hours just chatting and eating, as people tend to do on dates. God I hope he wasn't joking about the date part.

As soon as I'm in the safety of my own home I allow myself to collapse to the floor, my heart and thoughts racing from todays encounter. Dear god I'm so in love it isn't even funny.


"oh mimi why dont you write any scenes of them in school?" I WOULD RATHER DIE!!!!!!!

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now