Yeah. Hunger. That's the feeling.

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"NNNOOOOOOOOO" A certain Y/N shrieked from her room. 'God, if I wasn't a psychic I'd think she's being murdered.' Thankfully, as my thoughts stated, I am one. Nothing bad happened to her, she's just upset because she got a fake playable ad.

I decide that her waves of anguish at every ad need to be quelled immediately, lest the police get called. Packing up, I grab my official bag of goods for Y/N's house. The fact I visit her enough to have this at the ready pains me, but the idea of police sirens interrupting the peace of my neighborhood pains me more.

Letting myself in, it's immediately apparent that she hasn't cleaned in a while. Good grief, how would she survive without me. I'll help her later, first order of business is to shut. her. up.

"NNOOOOOOh it's actually playable! Okay!" Her attitude changes way too easily, she went from being prepared to cry in frustration to kicking her feet playing an ad. An Ad.

'If trying to understand her was a sport it'd be the worst sport ever. Nobody would win, it'd just be sad. Maybe masochists would like it? No. Stop that. You're thinking like her.'

She pauses her foot kicking and giggling when she sees me, and immediately goes to mess with me.

"Kusuo." She squints at me, doing her best to look mad. Too bad for her I'm a psychic who reads minds.

"Are you being murdered?"

"...Yes. Obviously. Look at me," She gestures to herself, wearing a yellow t-shirt and some pajama pants "This is what a murder victim looks like."

"This murder victim needs t—" I cut myself off. How didn't I realize when I first walked in? I strain my eyes and look at her again. My X-ray vision isn't working on her? It used to, so what changed? I look her up and down, searching for an article of jewelry or clothing that could be the cause of this.

"...Are you going to finish your sentence or is staring at me that much more important?" She shifts uncomfortably. Damn it. I guess I was staring too hard. Either way, I can't see anything out of the ordinary. At least it was a power I don't really need, I guess. Don't get me wrong, I don't want any of them, but they're useful sometimes.

"Oookay... so we're playing the quiet game.. I can sooo win against you." She teases, but now it's a challenge. She doesn't know who she's up against. My gaze meets hers and I stare into her eyes, willing her to give up.

'Her eyes are quite beautiful, actually. They shimmer under the light of her room and the way that her eyelashes bat over them as she blinks is nearly angelic.... what. Since when was I a weirdo?'

"UUGGHHH YOU WIN" She groans, leaning away from me on her bed.

"You knew who you were challenging."

"Oh yeah? Well if we were in a being funny competition you'd lose. Actually, you wouldn't even QUALIFY at all. They'd reject you."

"Were you not the one giggling while she played a mobile ad?"

"Are you not the one who needs to be quiet?" She huffs, she has no other comeback. I smirk knowing that I've won this battle and get up

"I haven't eaten yet, are you hungry?"

"I could marry you oh my god. Yes I'm so hungry."

Rolling my eyes at her dumb joke, I can feel.. butterflies.. in my stomach. Disgusting. I must be hungrier than I thought.


It's become my life's goal to make Kusuo laugh. Like, out loud. Not smirking, not a teasing 'ha-ha', but a genuine laugh.

He offered me food and I offered him my hand in marriage, which is the fairest trade I can make in this economy. I was actually so hungry I considered taking a bite from my arm. Is this how Mera feels?

Now that I think about it, Kusuo ends up cooking for me a lot. He's good at it, so I'm not complaining, but wow. I have a secret buried deep in my fridge... I went out and bought the most expensive coffee jelly I could afford to give to him.

As I admitted the secret to myself, I heard Kusuo gasp from the kitchen and run to the fridge. I wonder what he's making that requires such haste.

Whatever I don't care, the coffee jellies are for tonight actually. I'm going to take him stargazing, since it's supposed to be nice tonight and I know he likes calm shit like that. God I'm an amazing friend.

I study him in the kitchen. He's not bad looking by any stretch of the imagination. He's got a good face and, well, his body is a bit twiggy but it's perfectly average for a kid our age. Besides, I'm not too into the whole bulging muscles thing. Full stop. 'Why am I thinking about my type in men and looking at Kusuo? I mean, I guess he would be my ideal type if I liked him like that. Good thing I don't. Do I...? No. Shut up and die. I don't.'

He freezes for a second like he's a statue, looks up at me, squints, and then slowly goes back to cooking. What the hell is this guy ON?

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now