Chapter 17

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"Shoot me too chino!!!" Tony screams.

Anybodys is trying to get him somewhere to hide but unfortunately Tony isn't having any of it.

I turn around the corner and see Tony walking towards something or more like someone.

Once I see that it is Maria, I smile.

"Thank goodness! She's alive!"

However it is only when I hear her shout that breaks my thoughts.

I see chino standing behind Tony with a gun in his hands, pointing it at my brother.

"NO!" I scream before I tackle chino to the ground. With the bullet grazing Tony's arm.

I grab the gun out his hands and point it at him.

Maria and Tony run up to me, worried.

"Why must everyone kill?!" I shout at no one particular.

I get off of chino and drop the gun.

"Lucy...." Tony says.

"I'm sick of it... all the fighting! All the killing!!"

Soon enough some jets come out with some sharks.

"I-I don't know what I was thinking...." Chino says while he gets up.

"Can't we all live a normal life...? Please...." I say with my voice cracking.

We all then hear cop sirens and ambulance sirens.

It seems like no one is moving.

Valentina comes out takes chino to the cops while he accepts his fate but since he didn't kill anyone he'll only be in jail for a year for attempted murder.

Tony and Maria then embraced each other, happy that neither of them are dead.

"Tony. Your arm." I say

"I'll be fine, luce.. and I'm sorry..." he says but then he suddenly collapse.

"Tony!" We all shout.

Thankfully, he is put on a stretcher and off to the hospital.

As I walk through the hospital hallways to Clear my head because tony is currently in the operating room.

The jets, sharks and Maria are somewhere inside but I told them not to follow me because I wanted to clear my head.

I appreciate the sharks helping Tony. It was nice of them.

I sigh as I turn the corner.

But I suddenly bump into someone.

Someone with bandages and a hospital gown.

Someone who I thought I would never see again.


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