Chapter 5

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(Lucy's POV)

While me and the jets were talking, we hear the bathroom door open then pops out Bernardo and his friends.
The jets immediately start to tease and mock them as they walk by.
I give them all a look and the all stop and puts their head down while some muttering "sorry luce"
Then we see Riff walk out with ice and action behind him.
We all go over to them and riff says
"Well, it is done, boys. The rumble is happening at midnight tomorrow."
The jets, however, don't say a single sound. This confuses Riff, Action and Ice until the jets step aside to reveal me stating daggers at Riff.
"I- uh- heyyyy luceeee" riff says
"IT WAS ALL RIFF'S IDEA" Action and ice say in sync as they see me.
"Forgive me , boys, but Riff has to walk me home tonight." I say still starting at riff.
The boys all try to stifle a laugh knowing that Riff is gonna get a long lecturing.
"Let's go, Riff" I say as I grab his arm then turning to the boys.
"Thank you all for the dances, I shall see you soon." I say dragging Riff out of the door before turning a little saying
"And that's a promise" I see all the boys smile as me and Riff walks out the door.
Me and Riff walk down the now empty dark streets of New York towards Doc's shop where Lucy stays.
"Look, Lucy, I-" riff starts before I cut him
"I don't want to hear it, remember what happened at the last rumble...? Do you?!"
I start to get angry.
"Yes, I know but-" riff says but once again I cut him off.
"THE PROBLEM IS THAT I DON'T WANT ANY OF YOU TO GET HURT OR WORSE, KILLED!" I scream out but immediately regret it.
"S-sorry..." I mumble.
I start to feel embarrassed.
"Lucy... it's okay. You have nothing to apologize for. It's my fault. I'm sorry but the rumble still has to happen. For the jets territory. What are the jets without their territory?" Riff asks softly.
"But is violence really the Right way to do it?" I ask
"I'm afraid it is the only way. Come on, let's get you home." Riff says softly while holding my hand in his.
As we walk down the streets, we hear chatter.
As we walk pass an alleyway, I spot a 3 old men who appear to be drunk with bottles in their hands, laughing.
I notice Riff tries to walk faster as he puts hand on my lower back. "Come on, don't mind them." He whispers to me.
I nod walking with him
However, before we get a few steps I feel a hand touch my butt.
"Hey, that's a pretty dress you have on there little lady." One the men say.
I froze.
Soon enough the 2 other men come up in front of us, blocking us from walking any further.
I tighten my hand around Riff's and he immediately snatches the man's hand from my butt.
"Oh? Is this your boyfriend little lady?" The one behind me says
"He looks scrawny" one in front says
"That is none of your business, now please let us leave." I say nervously looking down at the ground.
"Awe how about we take you to our place and have some fun" one in front says as he tries to grab my arm.
" I wouldn't do that if I were you" riff said
"Heh, like I'm scared of A kid like you?"
The one behind says
Riff then punches the one trying to grab my arm so hard he got knocked out on the ground.
"Oh you're gonna get it now boy"
The other one in front says as he tries to punch riff but however is too slow because he is already knocked out cold on the floor.
"I've given you plenty of warnings." Riff says before kicking the guy behind in the (you know what) making him fall to the floor.
He looks over to me and notices I am now crying.
"Lucy! Are you okay? I'm so sorry." He says holding my chin up with his fingers
"T-thank you" I say choking back sobs
"Of course, I would not let anyone touch you like that ever again.... Not like last time."
He says as he hugs me putting his hand on my hand pushing my face into his chest.
I then start to sob, not being able to hold it in any longer.
"Shhh shhh.. it's okay, you're okay... I've got you. Let it all out.. you're safe now.." he says softly
"Let's hurry and get you home." He says holding my hand and waist as we enter Doc's shop.
Valentina notices my crying and asks
"Omg! What happened? Are you okay my dear?" Walking up to us
"She does not want to talk about it, could she go to bed?" Riff asks
"Of course" she says
Riff guides me to the basement where one side it Tony's side and the other is mine
I get dressed then doing my normal bedtime routine (Riff does not watch her undress)
Riff stays with me until I fall asleep in his arms
The last thing I hear him say is
"You're safe now.." then fall into a deep slumber.

(Sorry for the short one today guys)

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