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Pete’s hand presses into my lower back, as he pushes slowly into me. I gasp, gripping the edge of the bed. “Fuck, Emerson. You’re tight.” I moan, as he slaps my ass.  

“Will you shut up and fuck me?” I grit out. Pete chuckles above me, as he grabs my hips. He pulls out, thrusting back into me. “Oh god.” Each thrust getting harder, as I moan into the bed.  

“Fuck.” His hands grip my hips hard, as I reach back and grab his arm. He grabs my hand, shoving it into my lower back. Pete’s someone I call when I need a stress reliever, we both know what this is. Sex. That’s it. No feelings involved. My phone rings, and I groan. “Answer it.” I shake my head, as it continues to ring. “Answer it or I will.” I gasp as he pushes deeper into me. “Now.” I reach for my phone, and he flips me over to my back. He shoves in, just as I answer the phone.  

“Hello?” I’m surprised my voice is steady.  

“Where the hell are you?” I pull my phone from my ear, seeing Sutton’s name on my phone. Shit.  

“What do you mean? I’m not supposed, oh.” Pete grinds into my clit and I smack his arm. He smirks down at me. “I don’t have an appointment until 12.” Pete sits back, grabbing my hips. HIs thrusts are slow and deep, making my eyes roll back.  

“You had one at fucking ten, Poppy. Get Pete’s dick out of you and get your ass to the shop. Now.” He hangs up and I throw my phone on the bed. Never work for your idol. They turn into giant assholes right before your eyes.  

“You have two minutes to get us both off. Make it quick.” He grins down at me and pushes us both over the edge at record speed. He leaves and I quickly shower.  

Sutton quickly changed when I started at the shop. I realized my idol was a prick. The guys at the shop quickly became my brothers. Marcus and Tommy taught me their styles, while each artist showed me something new. Every person in the shop has tattooed me, besides Sutton.  

I walk into the shop, my hair up in a messy bun and sunglasses on. Sutton looks up from the counter, shaking his head. I flip him off, walking across the lobby. I drop my purse off under the cabinet, popping my gum. Mainly because it pisses Sutton off. “Well, I'm here.” He shakes his head, flipping through a magazine. “I didn’t have an appointment, did I?”  

“Oh, I did the damn appointment. I’m not going to let a customer walk because you think with your pussy.” I rip my sunglasses off, glaring at him.  

“I wasn’t supposed to have an appointment at ten, which means you scheduled one for me and didn’t tell me. If I wanna get fucked, I’ll do it.” Tommy comes out of the back, his eyebrows raised.  

“Pete again? Really?” I shrug, popping my gum again. “Isn’t he like boring as fuck?”  

“He follows directions very well.” I smirk at Tommy. He shakes his head. A busty blonde comes out of the back, looking me over. Tommy rings her up, and she scans Sutton from head to toe. “You’re wasting your time, sweetheart. He likes men.” Her eyes widen, and she nods. She walks out of the shop, and Tommy loses it. He doubles over, smacking his hand on the counter. I yank Sutton’s magazine out of his hand, and head to my station. “Let me know when Molly is here. Thanks, sweetheart.” I flip Sutton the bird, as I make my way to my station.  

I’ve worked for Planchette Ink for three years now. Sutton hired me when I had just turned twenty. After a couple months of practicing, he let me tattoo one of the men for the first time. No one hovering, no one telling me how to do it. It was me and a tattoo machine in my hand. Sutton scrutinized it closely, and I was given a station and a tattoo machine. Now, three years later I have my own clients and I’m making pretty good money. I’ve expanded my portfolio tenfold, the portrait I drew of Sutton now hangs above the counter. All twenty-seven by forty inches of it. I haven’t done a portrait tattoo yet, because I’m scared to mess it up. I have practiced, but I’m too nervous to mess someone’s skin up.  

Loving Sutton (Planchette Ink, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now