Epilogue - Three Years Later

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I groan, rolling my shoulders. Sutton steps up behind me, laying his hands on my stomach. “You good, pretty girl?” I shake my head. He starts rubbing my shoulders and I moan. “Keep that up and I'm bending you over my desk.” I narrow my eyes at him over my shoulder, and he laughs. “Lizzie being a brat today?” I nod. He turns me around, dropping to his knees. “Hey, missy. You let your mommy work. You hear me?” He kisses my growing stomach, and Lizzie kicks. “Hey, I'll spank your ass when you get here.” I laugh.  

Two and a half years ago, Carter Michael Adler was born. He changed our world. Sutton was right. I was able to have a career and a family. He’s the best father to our son, and in two weeks he will be to our daughter. That test wasn’t so much as a surprise. We wanted another one. His sister Mallory visits a lot, helping us out when we need to travel. The shop blew up overnight. We guest spot at different shops throughout the year, and then stay home with our son. Sutton had a nursery built on to the shop, so he could always be here. He’s adding on another one for Lizzie.  

“Oh, Marcus and Talia are coming over for dinner. I’m cooking tonight, so you two can catch up.” I nod, smiling at him.  

Talia and Marcus started dating the day we got married. Marcus ended up opening his own shop, and Sutton was happy for him. He deserved it. Sutton helps out at his shop, getting more people in there for him. He’s been really close with him. I took on fewer clients with each pregnancy, but I get them back when I’m not a baby factory.  

I never would have pictured my life like this, but I'm glad it happened.  

Sutton and I agreed that my sister brought us together, and for her I am thankful. I run my fingers through his hair, looking down at the man who owns me. Mind, body, and soul.

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