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I stare at my laptop, my fist clenched under my chin. All my artists are out there, working. But of course, fucking Emerson is the only one I'm focused on. Her head is bent over the dude's calf. I watch as Tommy says something to her, her head falling back as she laughs. I shake my head, running a hand through my hair. One fucking day and she’s under my skin. Should I have acted like that? No. I was a dick, and I know I was. I called a few of my clients and told them I had an emergency, because I couldn’t tattoo them with Emerson directly behind me. I crack my neck, pulling my phone out. I dial a number, closing my eyes.  

“Sut?” My sister’s voice sounds through the phone, and I shake my head. “What’s wrong?”  

“What? I can’t call you because I miss you.” She laughs at me, and I know she’s shaking her head. “I fucked up, Mal.” My sister and I have been best friends since we were born. Twins, and she knows me better than I know myself. I need to fix this, because I can’t lose Emerson. 

“What’s her name?” I groan, scrubbing my hand down my face. “Wait, is it Emerson?”  

“Yeah.” I murmur.  

“About damn time. Wait, what did you do?” I relay it to her, watching Emerson on the screen. She finishes up his calf, wiping it down. He looks over his shoulder at her, and she smiles at him. Fuck, I want that smile. “Sut, I love you but you’re an idiot.” 

“Tell me about it.” I grit out.  

“Just talk to her. You’re both stubborn. Tell her you’re sorry, you messed up, and that you want a relationship with her. You’re a caveman. You like control. Emerson won’t let you control her. You have to relinquish that.”  

“I just...” I shake my head.  

“You’re a control freak. I know. Trust me, we’re twins. I know.” I sigh, tapping my fingers on the desk. “You almost ruined something after one day, Sut. Just talk to her. No yelling, no arguing. Just talk to her. You two were made for each other. Just fix it.” I nod in the empty office.  

“Fine. I’ll talk to her.” We hang up, and I watch Emerson walk to the register. I stand up, shoving my phone in my pocket. I walk out of the office as she rings her client up.  

“You know what to do, Mike. Come back in two weeks, and I'll go back in and finish the color.” He smiles at her, and heads for the door. She’s putting the money in the register, when I step up behind her. I cage her in and she tenses.  

“Can I talk to you in my office?” She doesn’t answer me, as she closes the drawer. “Please.” I whisper. She looks over her shoulder at me, her anger melting a little. “Just for a minute.” I run my nose up her shoulder. She nods, and I step back. I follow her to my office, and I shut the door when I step inside.  

“I have a client in five minutes.” I nod, leaning against the door.  

“Sit in my chair, you can watch the monitor.” She walks around the desk, sitting down. Her eyes are on the screen. I take her in. She threw her hair up in a messy bun, her neck exposed. My teeth marks are still on her neck, and I want to tattoo them there. “Emerson, look at me.” I never say her name. It’s either Poppy or pretty girl, has been for three years. She looks over at me, crossing her arms. “Poppy, I'm sorry.” I scrub my hands down my face. “I am. I acted like an idiot, and I shouldn’t have treated you that way.” She watches me.  

“Sutton, you can’t-” I shake my head, and she stops talking.  

“I don’t apologize for much. I am who I am. You know this.” I walk across the room, sitting down across from my desk. She’s a fucking queen sitting in my chair. “I want this with you. A relationship. I’m going to be bossy; I'm going to be a control freak. But I will work on it.” She narrows her eyes. “We are both stubborn. But you, my pretty girl, are a force to be reckoned with.” The side of her mouth tilts up. “Come here, pretty girl.” She’s out of the seat, moving around the desk. She straddles my hips, and I groan.  

Loving Sutton (Planchette Ink, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now