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I wake up with Sutton’s arm thrown over my stomach. We’ve officially been a couple for a month. Sutton is completely different, the guys in the shop agree. He’s nicer, well as nice as Sutton can be. He’s always touching me. Hand on my lower back, holding my hand, kissing me. My tattoo idol is my boyfriend and it makes me giddy, honestly. The interviews are today, and I'm nervous as hell. I stare up at the ceiling, rubbing my temples. “If you’re worrying about that damn interview, I'm going to bust your ass.” I huff out a laugh, as he lifts his head. Sleepy Sutton is hotter than bossy Sutton. His hair is a mess, his hard body pressed to my side.  

“I just don’t want to mess it up.” He chuckles, rolling me on to my back. He hovers over me, kissing my neck. “Will you be in there?”  

“Yeah, Poppy. I’ll be there. You’re going to do great.” I nod, as he looks down at me. “Don’t be nervous. Talia is all for female artists. She won’t let the magazine push you to the side.”  

“Talia?” I furrow my brow.  

“No. She’s a friend. I’m not her type.” He looks down at my body as the sun starts to rise. “You’re more her type.” I laugh, shoving at his chest. “Now, can I slide into you? Or are you going to keep worrying?” He kisses me hard, and he’s in me. I got an IUD shortly after we made it official. No more condoms, feeling him bare is the best feeling. Nights are rough and animalistic; mornings are gentle and calm. It’s night and day with him, literally.  

Sutton closed the shop today, so we can do the interviews. Tommy brought Chelsea, Marcus is leaning against the wall, flirting with the photographer. The rest of the guys are sitting with Talia. They didn’t want much attention, because they’re part time. They have families and want to keep a short work load. Marcus goes next, as I wring my hands. Sutton dressed me, and I wanted to kill him. Tommy already labeled me ‘the hot tattoo chick’ when I came in. I’m leaning against the wall, watching Tommy and Sutton talk.  

“You nervous?” I jump, looking over. Talia Reynolds is gorgeous. Long black hair that cascades down her back in thick curls. Emerald green eyes that draw you in, with pouty red lips. She looks like a hot pin-up girl. I nod, biting my lip. “Don’t be. I’ve followed your work for the last couple years. You blew up overnight, honestly. I actually want you to tattoo me while I interview you.” My eyes widen, as I stare at her. She’s taller than me, and I have to stare up at her. “If that’ll help your nerves.” I find myself nodding, as my mouth hangs open. She lifts her hand, pressing my mouth closed. She winks walking off. I run over to Sutton and Tommy, feeling like I'm hyperventilating.  

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Sutton looks around, as Tommy stares at me.  

“Em, what happened?”  

“Talia wants me to tattoo her.” I choke out. Sutton breaks out in a grin, as Tommy smiles big at me. “Oh my god. I’m going to die. Am I too young to have a heart attack? I feel like I’m having a heart attack. Sutton, stop my heart. Please. Oh my god, I'm going to die.” He pulls me against him, kissing me hard. I sink into him, as he kisses me. He pulls back, and I nod. “That helped.” He brushes my cheek.  

“You’re going to do amazing, pretty girl.” I nod, blowing out a breath.  

“Fuck, I want to tattoo her.” Tommy fakes a pout, and I laugh. “No, seriously. You’re going to rock it. We’ll all take pictures and blow your phone up.” I laugh.  

“They already said you can post whatever to social media. Mention the newest article coming out next month. You’re not allowed to talk about what the article is.” Tommy nods, smiling. “Poppy, you’re going to do amazing. I’ll be right there.” I blow out a breath. 
“I don’t even know what to tattoo.” 

Loving Sutton (Planchette Ink, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now