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“You ready, pretty girl?” I stare down at her, my dick aching to be buried into her tight pussy. She nods, and I shake my head. I smack her inner thigh, and she cries out. “Words, Emerson.” 

“Yes, fuck yes. Please.” She begs, her voice has always been sweet. But when she begs, fuck. It’s music to my ears. I slam into her, a scream ripping from her throat. I don’t give it to her easy like I should. I take what I want from her body. I pound into her, nipping at her ankle as I press my thumb into her clit. I want two more orgasms from her, before I stop. My knees smack against the desk, as her eyes squeeze shut.  

When Emerson Hayes walked into my shop three years ago, she was sweet and innocent. When her hands touched my chest, I knew I was in trouble. She grew up over the years, turned into a woman that I should stay the fuck away from. Red hair that I've wanted to sink my hands into. Big blue ‘fuck me’ eyes. Curves for fucking days. If I knew she sounded like this, I would have fucked her sooner. She sounds like a damn porn star, but I know she’s not faking it. Her body is flush, as I angle her hips. I slow my thrusts, her hands grabbing my arms as I grip her hips hard.  

“Sutton, oh god. I’m close. Fuck, I'm close.” I smirk down at her, biting down on her ankle. She gasps, her pussy tightening around my dick.  

“Look at me, pretty girl. Let me watch you.” She opens her eyes, and I watch her bite down on that pouty fucking bottom lip. I pinch her clit, her mouth dropping as she comes. Her pussy clamps down on my dick, and I groan. I fuck her through the orgasm, her body limp on my desk. I pull out, pulling her up to me. I kiss her hard, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. “You ready?” She nods. I pick her up, setting her on her feet. I spin her around, bending her over my desk. “Grip the desk, pretty girl.” She obeys, gripping the desk. “Good girl. You listen so well.” I smack her ass, and she presses back into me. I raise an eyebrow. Little Poppy likes it rough. 

I rest my hand on the desk, sinking into her. She moans, a deep sound that makes my balls tighten. I need her to come again, before I finish. I slowly thrust into her, lifting her leg up on the desk. I lean over her, grabbing her hand. I link our fingers together, as slowly thrust into her. Small gasps and sounds of pleasure leave her mouth, as I kiss her shoulder. The position makes my back hurt, but I need to taste her skin. “What do you need, pretty girl?”  

“This, please. Oh god, this.” She turns her head up to look at me, and I capture her lips with mine. The kiss is gentler than it was. Her lips moving perfectly in-sync with mine, as I slowly fuck her. She doesn’t know it, but she’s mine now. No more fucking Pete. She’s mine. Every inch of her. Her body trembles under me, as I slide my tongue into her mouth. She sucks on it, and I growl. Her lips will be around my dick soon. I break the kiss, standing up. I lift her leg, thrusting harder into her. I reach under her, pinching her clit. She tightens around me.  

“Give me one more, pretty girl.” She nods. I grab her hand sucking her fingers into my mouth. I release it. “Touch yourself. Let me watch you play with that pretty little clit.” She moves her hand down, and I watch her rub her clit. Fuck. I tilt her leg up, and I know her body is sore from the position. Her body jerks, and I watch her mouth drop open. Her body arches, as she tightens around me. I pound into her, my head falling back. I lay her thigh on the desk, as I lean over her. My balls draw up, and I groan as I come. I feel my dick pulsing deep inside her, as I slow my thrusts. I squeeze my eyes shut, white spots dotting my eyelids. I lean my head on her shoulder, as we both pant. I don’t know how long I stay inside her. I don’t want to move. I kiss her shoulder, and she groans. “You good?” She nods, her eyes closed. “Look at me.” She blinks her eyes open, looking up at me. “Are you good?”  

“Yes, behemoth. I’m okay.” I chuckle, slowly pulling out. She gasps, as I stand up. I smack her ass, making her groan.  

“Mouth, Poppy.” I pull the condom off, tying it. I throw it in the wastebasket, as I pull my pants up. I grab a paper towel, pouring water over it. I wring it out, cleaning her up. She gasps, her hands gripping the edge of the desk. “Sorry.” She shakes her head. I grab her leggings, sliding them up her legs. She lifts her hips, so I can pull them up. I help her stand, grabbing her tank top. She raises her arms, and I slide it over her head. She leans against my desk, and I cage her in. I study her closely, a beautiful fucking flush spreading across her chest and neck. “Fucking gorgeous.” I mutter. She rubs her lips together, looking down. I lift her chin, shaking head. “You’re fucking beautiful, Emerson.” I press my lips to her, cupping her cheek. Her hands slide up my chest, and I have to calm my dick down. I know I stretched her, and she’s going to be sore. I pull back, hearing the shop phone ring.  

Loving Sutton (Planchette Ink, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now