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I shouldn’t be here. I know I shouldn’t. Sutton makes it hard to think. When he took me on his desk, I was in over my head. I’ve been fucked before, but Sutton put them all to shame. He was more in tune with my body than I am. He knew what I needed, wanted, and I didn’t have to tell him. I’m sitting on the steps of his house, waiting. I start to stand up, when his bike pulls into the driveway next to my car.  

This was a mistake. I can’t move, as he climbs off the bike. He pulls his helmet off, making his way up the pathway to his house. I don’t get the words out that I shouldn’t be here, when his lips capture mine.  

He picks me up, my legs wrapping around him. He holds me up with one arm, carrying me across the porch. He breaks the kiss and unlocks the door. Stepping inside, he sets me down. I’m against his chest, his lips on mine. “Fuck, Poppy. What are you doing to me?” He murmurs against my lips.  

“Nothing you’re not doing to me.” I whisper.  

“Shower, then bed.” I nod, as he kisses me again. Sutton is a foot taller than me, as he kicks his boots off. I take my shoes off, and he throws me over his shoulder. I squeal, gripping the back of his pants. He smacks my ass, and I whimper. “Fuck, you’re a dirty girl.” He kneads my ass, walking up the stairs. I’ve been here before, because he hosted a cook-out. It's a nice Victorian home, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I’ve only been downstairs. I try to look around when we reach the top stairs, but it’s dark. Plus, I don’t want to snoop. He pushes open a door, setting me on my feet. He slowly undresses us both, picking me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, as he kisses me. I squeeze my eyes shut when the light turns on. “Sorry.” He murmurs.  

I hear the water turn on, but his lips are still on mine. They’re going to be swollen tomorrow. He steps into the shower, still holding me. He has the strength of a champ, that’s for sure. He presses me into the shower wall, and I gasp at how cold it is. He pulls back, staring at me. I bite my lip, and he smirks. He presses soft kisses along my jaw, and I lean my head back. He maneuvers us, so he can slide two fingers into me. I moan, my pussy sore from earlier. He nips at my earlobe, as he slowly fingers me. He lowers me to my feet, still holding one of my legs up. His thumb brushes across my clit and I jump.  

“You gotta stop jumping.” He groans. “You fucking clench every time you do it.” Something resembling a half moan half laugh leaves my mouth, and he shakes his head. He drops to his knees, throwing my leg over her shoulder. His mouth is on my clit, his fingers working their magic. My head falls back, as I stare up at the ceiling.  

“Fuck, Sutton. Oh god.” He doesn’t ease up, my body tensing.  

“Relax, pretty girl.” When I do, I come hard on his tongue and fingers. He groans, catching every drop on his tongue. He stands up, kissing his way up my body. He’s devoured me twice, and I haven’t even tasted him. I kiss his chest, moving slowly down his body. When I drop to my knees, he groans. “I won’t last in your mouth, Poppy.” I grin, wrapping my fingers around his length. They barely touch. Leaning his hands against the wall, he watches me as I circle my tongue along the head of his dick. I look up at him, as I wrap my lips around the head. His eyes close, and I start to stroke him. I take as much of him as I can in my mouth, stroking what I can’t.  

I’ve given one blow job in my life, but I would do it every day for him. His hand slides into my hair, wrapping it around his fist. “This has been a fucking fantasy of mine.” I look up at him, as he stares down at me. “Your pretty little mouth wrapped around my dick, your hair wrapped around my hand.” He shakes his head. “Fuck, what a pretty little mouth you have.” I groan, as I take more of him in my mouth. I gag, but I hold him in the back of my throat. I pull back, saliva dripping down on my tits. He starts controlling my movements. It’s a process of him gagging me and pulling back. I hold on to his thigh for support, as I massage his balls.  

Loving Sutton (Planchette Ink, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now