Chapter 1-In the present

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Allow me to speak rather bluntly or quite obtusely. William White was not the ideal citizen to emulate. His past was one no child should experience. His role models were not ones ideal for him to emulate either. But should we– would we continue to utilize the excuse of his childhood to explain just how he is now? I would rather think not. At the time, maybe, but now at the age of sixty, he has complete control of his actions. He knows right from wrong.

His life was black, with a touch of gray. Nothing else. Just the pair.

But can we think for one moment: what if he changed? Was that possible for him? Well, he would change, but disregarding that, no. he could not change. He was too far down the rabbit hole to claw his way back out.

A modern-day Alice in Wonderland. Yes.

Less educated, less experienced, fewer connections than others; some may argue his fate was set out for him.

No sympathy–just fact.

He decided on the path he was to trek down many years ago. When it first started.

There is no turning back now.

And, one would think of someone with his...experience and...background would be somewhat strong–physically or mentally; to protect himself.

Mental instability.

Yet, he was dragged away–turning a leaf.

As with all children and eventually teenagers, it all started with parents.

Yes, yes, parents, we love them. That was not sarcasm. We do. They are the matriarchs and patriarchs of life.

Why do I do the things I do? Is it because I love it? It is because I am trapped. I don't know. It's a circle that never ends–a wheel.

He was persuaded to live the way most people do even though he had never had a day to do so. He had left.


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