Evander...Or Avenger

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Mama is most definitely going through something again,but she won't tell me what because she doesn't want to worry me,does she know that keeping it to herself actually makes it worse for the both of us?

This is all grandma's and auntie's fault.

I slam the door shut and walk into the kitchen,the whole family gathered at the table, eating in excruciatingly awkward silence.

Grandpa looks up from his plate and offers me a half smile,I ignore it and walk upto grandma"Grandma? What is going on?"

"What do you mean?"She asks, while playing with the food on her plate.

"Why is everyone already eating? Why didn't you wait for mama,me and Princess?"

She freezes,her eyes remaining focused on the food in front of her.

"Answer me, grandma"I repeat sternly.

"I didn't know you guys would be joining us."

"This is a family gathering, and we're family."

"Yes,I am aware of that—"

"I don't think you are"I cut her off and turn to auntie Khalin, that's now staring at me shamefully.

"Mama isn't responsible for dad's leaving,none of us are,do you think dad would be proud of you people if he knew how you're treating mama? I wish he was here,so he can see how horrible you all turned out to be."

My hands form into fists as I stare at them, my vision turning red.I can't believe they're acting this way, after everything mama has done for them,this is how they repay her,and mama doesn't won't even stand up for herself because she's trying to be respectful,I wish she at least tried,maybe they would stop treating her like she's the imposter in the family.

Grandpa clears his throat and looks at me through slit eyes, scratching his beard anxiously,debating on who's side he should take.

Grandpa always stood with justice,but it seems that's there's no such thing as justice in this so called family.

"Evander,son..."He pauses, looking between me and grandma.

"We are not excluding you and your mother from this family,and we never would, right Ariel?"He glances at grandma,all she gives him is a faint nod.

"It's been years since...the leaving of your father,and I admit we have been a bit unfair to Adelaine,but we are not trying to push hey away,we would never do such a thing,she is Princess's mother and your step mother–"

"She's my mother"I correct him,an unusual wave of anger flowing through my veins.

I hate mama being called my 'step mother' she doesn't deserve that title after everything she's given me,she never made me feel unwanted or unloved, always gave me the same amount of love she gives to Princess.

"Of course, I'm sorry."

"Treat mama with kindness,all of you,it breaks my heart to see her so nervous around people that are supposed to be her family,now put the forks down and wait for her to come back, greet her and make her feel welcomed."I demanded, and they all stared at me stunned,except grandpa,he had a proud smirk on his face.

I turn around and come eyes to eyes with mama, uncle standing right behind her with the same smirk grandpa had on his face.

At least I didn't make them mad,I hope mama feels the same.

I swallow hard and fake a smile"Hi,mama."

She blinks,her eyes becoming glossy and a dark shade of pink,I frown in guilt and run towards her, throwing my arms around her waist"I'm sorry mama,I didn't mean to be rude to them,I was just getting tired of seeing you sad and alone."

A sob escapes her lips and she bends down, wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"Please don't cry,I didn't mean to make you sad,I wanted to make it better, like those Avengers in the movies and cartoons I watch."

"Yo–You didn't make it worse,baby, thank you so much for standing up for me."

I sigh in relief,for a second I thought she was disappointed in me.

"Then why are you crying?"

She sniffles and whispers in my ear"Your father was seen in town,baby,he might be alive."

My grip on her loosens and I pull away.


She nods, wiping her tears that are now stained in black because of her mascara.

"B-but...you said there was a funereal,how can that be?"

Uncle Nasius squats down beside her"We don't know champ,but we're going to figure it out,it can be a twisted trick someone is doing to play with us,to be safe I want you, your mom and Princess to go back to my house and stay there until I figure it out."He whispers so only the three of us can hear,he probably doesn't want to give grandma and grandpa false hope if it turns out to be a joke.

I chew on my lip anxiously, offering them a small nod.

"I will tell Nancy—"


"No."They say in unison before looking at each other, then back at me.

"Baby,we think Nancy might be behind some of this,she was seen with the man that looked like your father,we don't want to risk it so auntie Dove will handle her while we sneak out."

"But how? Nanny was always here with us,she would never trick us."

"We don't know anything yet,I don't want her babysitting you until we're sure, I'll call Vanessa to stay with us and keep an eye out for you two while I go with Nasius."I give her a faint nod.Vanessa is mama's best friend, before we met Nancy, Vanessa was the one that took care of us when mama wasn't feeling well,she comes to see us almost everyday because, as she would say,mama is her nonbiological twin, whatever that meant.

Sister with a missing mister, synchronized menstruation sister, nonbiological twin,and the rain to her cloud, they always had unusual nicknames for each other.

"I'll go find Princess."They nod and I turn around, avoiding everyone's eyes and going straight ahead.


I felt the ground under me shake,or was it just my ticked nerves that were causing tremor sensations throughout my whole body, starting from my toes and ending at the top of my head.

I faked a smile in front of everyone until we got home,then I crumbled and began to sob, overwhelmed by everything that Nasius had told me.

All those nights I've spent in bed wondering what I would do if everything was a lie,if he was actually alive and this  was all just a bad dream I'm having a hard time waking up from.

I fantasized about him walking in the house and smiling at me, calling my name with his arms stretched out, waiting for me to melt into him,and now for those fantasies to be a reality? Impossible.

He wouldn't be alive for all this time and not come to see me,he would miss me and the kids,he would come find us and...he just would,I know he would,this is just some sick game someone is trying to play with us,and I won't stop until I figure out who.

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