AM 19

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"Fa-father?" Ji-young said in Shock

Everyone was at the Min's Mansion now.

"My own sister hid my wife from me?" Tae whispered in a hurtful tone.

"Wife? Are you kidding me, Mr Kim? You cheated on my mother on her Birthday! You don't have the right to call her YOURS!" Taejung Taunted

"Bear, Stop it!" Jungkookie tried to stop her son

"No Mom let me speak-" "Ji-young Darling, take him to his room" Jungkookie ordered Ji-young who nodded and dragged her boyfriend away while he kept on yelling cuss words at his Father Kim Taehyung.

Jungkookie took a deep breath and turned to Tae

"Jimin unnie did not hide anything from you, Mr. Kim" Taehyung's heart broke a little when his love took his name so formally like some stranger.

"Jimin unnie also found out just a few days ago and I told her not to tell anyone, not even Yoongi oppa" Jungkookie admitted.

Yoongi who was rubbing his wife's belly softly then looked up and confessed guiltily "I knew the truth from the start, ever since you started working as a housemaid here" 

(They are not siblings but Yoongi thought of Jungkook as his sister.)

Hearing that Taehyung got furious, he held Yoongi's collar, "You! What kind of a brother are you? You literally hired your sister as your maid"

Taehyug was about to punch Yoongi but his stitches opened because of the force "TAE STOP IT! Look you're bleeding" Jungkookie yelled worriedly "Jin Unnie, please follow me. Namjoon oppa you carry him." Jungkookie ordered the two

"I should come too" Yoongi insisted "You be with Jiminie she is pregnant she will need you" she denied with a polite smile.

The young couple

"You need to control yourself, do you know how much Uncle Tae loves you and your mother? You broke his heart" Ji-young was scolding her boyfriend

"I, broke, HIS HEART? That Filthy bastard cheated on MY MOTHER ON HER FUCKING BIRTHDAY! She was so excited, *sniffles* she was so excited for her birthday. Why? Well As you know both worked at the same place, he was a C.E.O and she was his secretary. She was getting sick, so she took a break from her work, she finally went to the hospital, and she came with the exciting news that I will have a little sister soon, of course, I knew it already as I went to the hospital with her but when we went to meet him in the office, to tell him the news of a little baby girl Joining our family, he was making out with another woman. Which caused mom to have a heart attack, that led to a miscarriage.

He is a murderer he KILLED MY unborn sister, and left my mother in eternal agony. I will never forgive him" At this point Ji-young was a crying mess too but with her shaky crying voice she asked

"Will you not forgive him even if he was proven innocent?" Taejung glared at her

Ji-young took his hand in hers and told "Sometimes who we think is the Villain of our story is actually a Victim of the Villain"

Taejung raised his eyebrow at her "What are you trying to say"

"That, Uncle Tae is not the Villain but the Victim himself, and you should let him explain."

Jimin who wanted to check on the kids heard everything, she teared up and went to her room towards her husband's embrace crying hardly.

The story is getting closer to its end

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