How to win your daughter in law, part 2

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The idea of inviting Sakura to eat at their houses had been the best. From the beginning, they decided that each one would invite her twice during the week and on the weekend there would be a meeting between the two families with the girl; the problem was deciding who went first.

In order not to carry out a bloody massacre on the walls of Konoha, they decided who would be first and next by the unerring game of rock-paper-scissors. To the joy of Kushina Uzumaki had won against her adversary, finally the week was divided with Kushina going first, then Mikoto and the first weekend would be for Kushina and they would intersperse.

The first time Sakura had accepted, she hesitated for a moment until blushing she accepted. The two mothers squealed with excitement when they saw the pink-haired girl with red cheeks, she looked like cotton candy.

"My dinner with Sakura-chan was spectacular," Kushina said with feigned innocence, stirring the sauce for the spaghetti she was cooking with a ladle.

The weekend had arrived and now Kushina and Mikoto were in Kushina's kitchen preparing tonight's dinner. Throughout the week they decided in silence that they did not want to see each other so that the other would not spoil their dinner, since then they were dying to rub off the excellent evening so that the other would cry bitterly and admit that the other was not a rival and should stay with Sakura.

Unbeknownst to the two of them during the week they had considered putting witchcraft in Sakura's food to tie her down, unfortunately for them, strangely their husbands were close at the time of making the food, and it's not like they admit it out loud but they feared that the another to realize what they did.

When they wanted both Mikoto and Kushina wanted they could be scary.

"Oh?" Mikoto smiled innocently as she took some small carrot cakes out of the oven. She knew that if she didn't show real interest the redhead would get upset.

Said and done Kushina turned her head slightly to see Mikoto with a slight frown.

"Yes, Sakura-chan was cute, she loved my special ramen" she raised her voice slightly just in case.

"Mmm." She began to cut the chocolate to melt it.

Kushina wrinkled her nose. "Yeah, well, it was great, I got Sakura-chan to just call me Kushina." She turned to cut the vegetables for the soup that was beginning to boil. She secretly smiled when turning towards the table where she had the vegetables she fleetingly saw Mikoto, she had hit the nail on the head when she saw that she had momentarily stopped cutting the chocolate.

"Sakura-chan told me that she would love me to repeat my stew the next time she comes to my house" She couldn't stay silent.

"She told me that she would come next week and bring a dessert."

Tak! The sound of knives being stabbed into poor innocent cutting boards vibrated throughout the kitchen.

The world stopped and lost its color as the two turned to face each other. Neither said anything, they just looked into each other's eyes, the look that both gave each other was sharp as if they were ready to throw themselves at each other.

This is why they waited to speak until the weekend.

Oh, how they were going to enjoy this.

That girl is mine! the two women thought at the same time.

"Sakura-chan loved my cooking," Mikoto said.

"Sakura-chan loved my jokes" Kushina didn't waste a second talking.

"Sasuke was such a gentleman to Sakura-chan.

"Naruto was careful with Sakura-chan."

"Sakura-chan thinks Sasuke is handsome."

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