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With the arrival of Naruto and Sasuke, things were destined to change. Mikoto and Kushina were confident that the two wouldn't act like scavengers, watching over their precious daughter-in-law. Instead, they saw the two young men as gallant knights who had been raised to be the best of the best, ready to care for, appreciate, and adore their future daughter-in-law as the most precious diamond in the world, the most beautiful piece of art, and the loveliest flower. They had raised their sons to be capable of caring, protecting, and putting anyone who tried to harm their beloved Sakura in their place.

The first day of the two boys' arrival was like the opening of the gates of heaven. They were almost moved to tears seeing the emotional pink-haired girl jump and tightly hug the three men until she almost suffocated them. Their hearts swelled with pride when later they went to the Hokage Tower and welcomed them.

The two powerful women didn't hesitate to organize a modest family celebration, where Mikoto and Kushina's families gathered with Sakura, Tsunade, and Kakashi. Dinner was abundant, and sake flowed abundantly; intentionally, upon seeing the empty cups of the three boys, they filled them instantly. Who knows, maybe during the night some of them would disappear, and they would distract the other adults to not ruin what might be the best night of one of their sons' lives with Sakura.

Their joy grew when, suddenly, Sakura got up staggering and asked to go to the bathroom. Shortly after that, their sons also disappeared. With smiles threatening to split their faces from side to side, they decided to continue entertaining Kakashi, Tsunade, Fugaku, and Minato, who, thanks to the alcohol, hadn't noticed the absence of the other four.

Around five in the morning, Tsunade, more asleep than awake, said goodbye muttering words like Kakashi, student, home. The surprising thing was that Kakashi understood; of the six adults in the room, he was the most sober, so he understood what she meant. Sighing, he got up from his chair once Tsunade left.

"Don't you want something else, Kakashi?" Mikoto asked, interrupting him.

Kakashi stopped and looked at the two women, who tried to look innocent for a long time. In the back of his mind, his survival instinct began to sound, warning him that a misstep could endanger his integrity.

The three stood looking without blinking before Kakashi answered.

"No, thank you," he said, standing up completely from the chair to go see his student. However, this time it was Kushina who stopped him.

"Why not? You look thinner. I can't allow you to lose weight, Kakashi-kun," Kushina said, serving him a large plate of food.

On this occasion, Kakashi blinked repeatedly as he observed that the plate of food was once again full. Now, his suspicions regarding the intentions of both women intensified.

"We care about you, Kakashi-san," confirmed Mikoto.

"It's already very late; I'll take Sakura home."

To avoid raising suspicions, the two women allowed Kakashi to take Sakura. After Sakura was out of their sight, they slumped in their chairs. Although this relief was short-lived, they considered the possibility that if Kakashi went upstairs and found any of their sons involved with Sakura, they might finally discover who she would end up with. Unfortunately for them, Kakashi came down with Sakura, who was almost unconscious and disheveled.

In conclusion, for the next time, they would do without the presence of Kakashi and Tsunade.

The next day, the morning was illuminated by the soft rays of the sun, painting the streets with smiles as people went about their chores. Birds fluttered in the sky, searching for a tree to sing their songs.

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