How to Scare Away the Competition (Part 1)

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In desperate times, desperate measures are taken. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And in this case, Kushina and Mikoto had to come up with a plan to outwit their competition. The battle for the future daughter-in-law was more intense than anyone could imagine. The looks, the friendly gestures, bringing their sons closer to the chosen girl and making her see that she was the right woman, was not an easy task. Especially when other women had the same goal. In this fierce competition, the mothers were willing to fight tooth and nail, and the war between them was even more brutal and ruthless.

When they didn't have the future daughter-in-law within reach to prove why they were the best choice, they then unleashed their plans with the hope of discrediting their competitors, forcing them to step back in their conquest, or even leading to life-or-death confrontations, with the winner finally taking the daughter-in-law.

At the age of 12, Sakura began to dazzle the men around her, but, unfortunately, the worst rivals were the women who could only dream of having Sakura as a wife for their sons, even though she was already destined to be the wife of Sasuke or Naruto. Poor delusional souls.

The list of possible "accidental deaths" started at the very bottom with Lee, a young man a year older than the sweet, beautiful, cheerful, and... Well. Lee had confessed his feelings more times than they could count. When the mothers found out about it, they almost had a heart attack. If it weren't for their husbands and Lee's luck in always encountering Gai, they might have tried to harm him in some way or even commit a crime that appeared to be an accident.

Lee was at the bottom of the "accidental deaths" list. The person at the top was none other than Yoshino Nara, the woman whose mere mention caused the others to almost spit fire and acid, growing horns and wings of anger. Yoshino was the reason why many women had the audacity to believe their sons had a chance with Sakura, including Tsume Inuzuka and other mothers.

On a fateful morning, they brought gifts to Tsunade without expecting to run into Yoshino leaving her office with her head held high, as if she had already won the battle. They were completely caught off guard. From that day on, they decided to make a temporary truce to eliminate the unworthy beings of having Sakura as a daughter-in-law or wife. Their anger towards Yoshino grew even more as they saw more women giving gifts to Sakura's mentor the following morning.

Yoshino had won the battle but not the war.

Kushina and Mikoto's consolation was that their efforts were bearing fruit. Since the Chuunin Exams, they had noticed the formation of a SasuSaku and NaruSaku fan clubs. Obviously, Kushina and Mikoto had been named presidents of these clubs. However, other clubs were emerging, like ShikaSaku, NejiSaku, KibaSaku, and the list went on. There were even clubs that surprised them, like SasuNaru and InoSaku. In short, the adult women of Konoha, and possibly the entire Fire Country, were getting involved in this game, while the men preferred to turn a blind eye and stay on the sidelines, avoiding a fate worse than death.

The next battle was that very night, Kushina and Mikoto's last opportunity before their sons left, and it was up to them to keep the flame of love between their sons and Sakura alive. Although they didn't complain, after being surrounded by men for so long, being with a woman was a welcome change. This night had to be splendid, and they had an elaborate plan: eliminate Yoshino from the competition and drive away the future and unfortunate suitors. They were ready to fight for Sakura to the death.

The farewell of Naruto, Sasuke, and Gaara's team, who were returning to Suna, was going very well. Everyone was having fun and chatting. Among the people present were the nine rookies, Gaara's team, who got along well with Team Seven, Guy's team, and other acquaintances. But the women in the room were preparing for a strategic game. Naturally, as part of Mikoto and Kushina's plan, they would greet Sakura and Tsunade to gain an advantage over other mothers who were waiting for their chance to approach.

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