Chapter 7

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Jake’s POV

I stand in the corner of the bed, admiring my baby, Kiara, as she sleeps peacefully. She looks both cute and alluring, her petite body curled up in the sheets. I can tell she's exhausted after our passionate encounter. Hahahahaha.

As I start to make my way towards the bathroom, Kiara speaks up, "I’ll go first." I turn around to see her feeling uncomfortable with her nakedness, which amuses me, and I chuckle.

“Stop!” She exclaims and playfully throws a pillow at me.

"Baby, relax. I've seen it all. There's no need to cover up," I say, laughing at her reaction.

“Jakie!” She throws another pillow, but it only adds to the humor.

Closing the distance between us, I approach the bed, and her innocent face looks shocked. She instinctively moves back, almost hitting the headboard. With a mischievous grin, I lean in close to her lips, holding the headboard, making her gulp nervously.

She probably thinks I want another round, but that's not my plan. Huhu, I'm not going to do that. Instead, I want to take her somewhere far from the city.

“Hahahaha,” I laugh at her reaction and then sit beside her.

"What the heck?" She questions.

"Baby, it's already 2 in the afternoon. Sofie is waiting for you to come home. Go, take a shower now, and I'll do the same."

Her eyes widen again as I continue speaking, "But not here, baby."

"I already asked manang to give you clothes, so you can choose what you want to wear this afternoon."

"Jakie, I'll just go home. Why would I wear such—"

"No, we're going somewhere with Sofie."


I finish all the preparations – a refreshing shower, dressed neatly, and packed some food for our outing. We skipped lunch today due to, well, you know what happened earlier. Hahahaha.

I prefer bringing our own food instead of buying outside. Manang’s cooking is still the best.

Now, I'm sitting inside my car, eagerly waiting for Kiara.

After a few minutes, she finally graces me with her presence, and oh, how wonderful it is to sit beside the woman I love!

"What?" She asks, noticing my adoring gaze.

"Nothing, baby. You look fresh," I compliment her.

"Well, I always look fresh." She rolls her eyes playfully.

Ah, her famous expression.

"I know," I reply with a smile.

"Let's go!" I excitedly say to her.



We've arrived at the beach, along with Sofie. This dog is incredibly cute, just like her furmama.

It's been five years since I met Kiara, yet she remains as amazing as ever. We haven't been to romantic places like this in the last two years, probably because of me. Hahaha.

"Baby, what's your dream wedding? I mean, what does it look like?" I ask, even though I already know her answer. Typical Filipino attitude, right? Well, I'm a proud Filipino!

"My dream wedding is—" She begins, but I cut her off.

"In the beach with our closest friends and loved ones," I continue, completing her sentence.


"Hahahahaha," I laugh as she rolls her eyes at me again.
Anyway, we sit on the sand with Sofie beside us, watching the beautiful sunset together.

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