Episode 17 - Yang Xiao Long's Birthday

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Interview Room

Yang Xiao Long sat in the interview room, a big smile on her face. She was being interviewed about her birthday, and she couldn't wait to talk about how excited she was to be the birthday girl.

Yang: I've been looking forward to my birthday for weeks! I love birthdays, and I love being the center of attention.
I don't have anything specific planned,
but that's the best part about it. I get to hang out with my friends and have a good time. That's all I really need. It means everything. My friends are my family, and I wouldn't want to celebrate my birthday with anyone else. They're always there for me, no matter what. And I'm so grateful for that.


Ruby, Weiss, and Blake were gathered in the kitchen of The Cartoon House, holding a beautiful cake that was shaped exactly like Yang's Ember Celica. The cake was decorated with bright yellow and orange frosting, and the words "Happy Birthday" were written in elegant script on top.

Ruby: Wow, this cake looks amazing!

Weiss: I'm glad you like it. We worked hard on it.

Blake: It took us all afternoon to get it just right.

Yang walked into the kitchen, her eyes lighting up when she saw the cake.

Yang: Wow, you guys really outdid yourselves this time!

Weiss: We wanted to make something special for you.

Yang sliced into the cake, and everyone watched eagerly as she took the first bite.

Yang: Mmm, this is so good! You guys are the best!

As they enjoyed the cake, the four friends talked and laughed, reminiscing about past birthdays and other fun memories they had shared. It was a perfect moment, and Yang felt grateful to have such amazing friends.

Front Yard

In the front yard of The Cartoon House, Hulk and Yang were having a blast smashing things to celebrate Yang's birthday. They had set up a makeshift obstacle course of old cars, barrels, and other objects for them to destroy.

Hulk: Come on, Angry Girl, let's smash this thing!

Yang: You got it, Hulk!

Hulk and Yang charging at another car and delivering a powerful punch that sent it flying. They continued to smash and destroy everything in their path, laughing and cheering each other on as they went. Hulk called Yang "Angry Girl" as they smashed their way through the obstacle course, and Yang loved it.

As they finished the course, Yang and Hulk high-fived each other, both of them covered in dirt and sweat.

Yang: That was amazing!

Hulk: (chuckled) You're a natural, Angry Girl.

Yang beamed with pride, feeling grateful to have such a good friend in Hulk. They had bonded over their love of smashing things, and she knew that she could always count on him to have her back.

Later, Front Yard

In the front yard of The Cartoon House, Yang Xiao Long was surrounded by her closest friends, all ready to spar with her for her birthday celebration. Sun Wukong, Iron Fist, Hulk, Nora Valkyrie, Raphael, Wonder Girl, Superboy and Ben 10 in the form of Four Arms were all there, eager to test their skills against the birthday girl.

Nora: Are you ready for this, Yang?

Yang: You bet I am! (cracking her knuckles) Bring it on!

The group spread out into pairs, each pair sparring against each other with all their might. Yang faced off against Sun Wukong, their weapons clashing in a shower of sparks. Iron Fist battled Hulk, their punches and kicks sending shockwaves through the air. Nora and Raphael teamed up to take on Wonder Girl, their lightning-fast moves keeping her on her toes. And Superboy and Four Arms went head-to-head, their brute strength matched only by their determination to win. As the sparring continued, the group of friends grew more and more energized, pushing each other to their limits. They cheered each other on, offering words of encouragement and admiration as they fought. After several intense rounds of sparring, the group finally called a halt to the festivities. They were all exhausted, but exhilarated from the intense workout. Yang smiled, feeling grateful for her amazing friends and the incredible bond they shared.

Yang: Thanks for the awesome birthday gift, guys! This has been the best birthday ever!

Her friends grinned back at her, all of them feeling the same sense of camaraderie and joy. As they headed back into The Cartoon House to continue the celebrations, Yang couldn't help but feel grateful for the amazing friends she had in her life.

At Night On The Roof

It was a warm summer night at The Cartoon House, and Yang was sitting on the roof, gazing up at the stars. She loved the peacefulness of the night sky and the way the stars sparkled like diamonds in the dark. As she sat there lost in thought, she heard footsteps approaching. She turned to see Ruby walking towards her, a small wrapped package in her hand.

Ruby: Happy birthday, Yang!"

Yang smiled, touched by her little sister's thoughtfulness.

Yang: Thanks, Ruby! You didn't have to get me anything, you know.

Ruby: I know, but I wanted to. Besides, I think you're going to love it.

Yang eagerly tore open the wrapping paper to reveal a brand new motorcycle helmet. It was sleek and stylish, with a bright yellow flame design that matched Yang's own Ember Celica weapons.

 It was sleek and stylish, with a bright yellow flame design that matched Yang's own Ember Celica weapons

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Yang: Wow, this is amazing!

Yang exclaimed, running her hand over the smooth surface of the helmet.

Yang: Thanks, Ruby! This is perfect.

Ruby: I'm glad you like it, I knew you needed a new helmet for your new motorbike, and I wanted to make sure you had the best one out there.

Yang hugged her little sister, feeling grateful for the amazing gift and the special bond they shared. As they sat on the roof together, looking up at the stars, Yang knew that this birthday would be one she would never forget.

Happy Birthday, Yang Xiao Long!

Happy Birthday, Yang Xiao Long!

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