Prolouge - Guilt

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Izuku Midoriya was an old soul who was taught nothing but kindness. He looked at the world, seeing only the good. Izuku was a boy with no reason to be angry, as he thought. Izuku wasn't lucky, but made his own luck. Izuku was humble, but knew to take care of himself. Izuku Midoriya was a boy with no friends, but a friend to all.
    He stood on the rooftop of his school building, wind blowing in his hair. He smiled, he was free. He had all of his wishes granted. He couldn't have asked for a better life.
    Why did Izuku jump? He never showed a care for death. He was comfortable in his own skin, he had made that very clear. So why, Izuku? Why did you jump?

    Inko shut her eyes as she spoke, feeling a lump form in her throat. What went wrong? When did it all begin?

    Inko Midoriya was a happy woman. She had an amazing son, who found joy in everything. Her son never once complained. Her son never once asked for anything. Her son was Izuku Midoriya.
    Inko Midoriya was a caring woman. She had a ordinary husband who she brought into her life without a care in the world. It was love. True love. She had found her happy ending.
    That was until the quirk doctor.

    Inko sucked in her breath, continuing to reminisce.

    Hisashi was a selfish man. He didn't show the same affection as Inko did to him. Hisashi was a greedy man. He wanted power. Mr. Mirdoriya did not care to look back. He did not care for the memories, or small moments. Mr. Midoriya cared about quirks, which ran the world.
    Hisashi did love Inko. Ah, he had loved Inko. Inko gave birth to a powerless son. Izuku was quirkless.

    "He's dirt, Inko! I beg of you, get rid of him. He shows no use." Hisashi spat whilst the young greenette had dreamed away.
    "Hisashi. I love that boy. He is our child. Must you be so brain dead?" Inko slapped the black haired male.
    Hisashi winced, looking up at her. "I do not wish to harm you, darling. I simply would like another child. All he does is keep to himself!"
    "Izuku is a smart boy. He shows growth unlike any other. If you would just try to realize how amazing he is-" Inko pleaded, which was almost immediately rejected.
    "No, Inko. I cannot withstand such behavior. I do not need to realize anything; You need to realize everything. Look around, Inko. Everyone is obsessed with power - Must you be so careless?" He huffed, blowing smoke out of his nostrols.
    "You have barely spoken to the boy!"
    "He barely speaks!" He counteracted. Inko put a hand to her chest, gasping.
    "You are rude! He shows nothing but quiet love. Izuku is a belevolent boy. Izuku is intelligent. But you?" Inko looked him up and down, "I don't see what genes he got from you." She growled out, giving a glare that would make anyone quiver.
    "You are ridiculous!" Hisashi yelled. "I cannot believe I chose someone so useless to bear my child." Inko felt herself shrink into a small pulp. She wrapped both of her arms around herself, feeling tears trickle down her cheeks.
    "If you refuse to get rid of him, I shall!" Hisashi ran off, whilst inko fell down to her knees, begging him not too.
    Inko was a cowardly woman, as she called herself. Inko could have done something more.

    She had balled herself up, crying hysterically. She had felt Izuku's pain as he cried, jolting at every scream. She had heard his woes for his mother to simply come and give him a hug. She had heard him say he would never complain again. She had heard him say he was sorry a million times over.
    Inko was not a confident woman, as so she thought. Inko could have protecting her son, but she froze, mind going blank.
    Inko was a mother, she told herself. She was a mother, yet she could not call herself a mom.

    Inko opened her eyes, looking at the small group in the funeral. "Izuku. If you can hear me.."

    Days had passed. Weeks had flew. Months had walked. Years had travelled. Both green haired humans had been shunned for their lack of power. One had been beaten. One had been enslaved. Yet both had a power like no other. Both had the power to continue to love; To continue to smile.
    Izuku was a quiet boy.    
    "Zuku! Are you sure you don't want to be homeschooled? You shouldn't let those kid's at school be mean to you." Inko stated, worried for the sake of her only child.
    The eleven year old had only just then put down the book when he heard his mother talk. "Ah. Thank you for the offer, Ma. I apologize, and no thank you. That school would not hold up. Every student there is scared of each other, however, they all show me one thing in common. Hatred. Hatred towards me. I have make everyone befriend one another with my pain." A smile appeared on Izuku's face. "I would not want to take away their 'friendship.' I love you, Ma." He had walked out the door.
    Izuku didn't have any enemies. Everyone saw Izuku as an enemy.
    Inko could not fathom what that school had done to that boy. She could not file a lawsuit against them, though. She had quit law school under Hisashi's guidance and could not afford such. Albeit, she could feel her sons pain. She could feel his cries for help.


    Inko refrained from balling her eyes out, continuing her speech, "..I am sorry for how weak I was to you."

    Inko was a sheepish woman with a brave son.
"Izuku." She whispered, tucking the boy in his white bed sheets.
    Izuku stopped pretending to be asleep, giggling. "Yes, ma?"
    "Can I entrust you with a secret?"
    Izuku gasped, sitting up and getting close to his mom. "I can keep a secret!"

    Inko opened her mouth, closing it again as to pull her thoughts into one. "Just know..

    "You do not keep that very secret." Izuku watched the smile form on Inko's soft lips.
    "Oh, but it is true!" Inko laughed, attacking her son with tickles. The room had filled with contagious laughter.

    "I love you."

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