Prolouge - Regret

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    A Deku. That's what he had been called. He never showed anger towards anyone. No matter what had happened, he pulled through, focusing on the small joys.

"Kacchan! Look, a butterfly!" Izuku muttered, pointing at the small creature.
"Who cares, Deku? Plus, it looks gross!" A couple of explosions had made Izuku flinch. A couple of explosions had made the butterfly flinch, it flying away in fear.
"That was a beautiful insect. It only had those designs to protect itself. You remind me of a butterfly, you know?" Katsuki frroze, looking at Izuku.
"You have a scary pattern, but when you look close enough," Izuku moved close to the blond, putting a small daisy into his hair."You can see what an amazing person you are on the inside." Izuku smiled, his guard completely lowered.
Katsuki tensed, anger coursing his veins. He exploded the butterfly in one go, a wicked smile plastered on his face, panting. "Beautiful? I say it's ugly, meaning It's ugly."
Izuku stared Katsuki down in horror, the life in his eyes flickering like a life switch. "That's okay. There are many insects in this world. I'm sure we can find one that you like.

Katsuki wore the now wilted daisy in his hair, tears trickling down his face.
"Izuku was a Caterpillar."

    "Look, Izuku! Look at my quirk!" Small explosions appeared in the spiky blond's hands.
    "Woah, Kacchan! That's awesome!"
    "I know, right? What's your quirk? You better have an awesome power so you can become my sidekick!" Katsuki had smiled, awaiting an answer.
    Izuku looked away, watching the bird care for their family. "I don't have a power."
    Katsuki stood in disbelief.
    Izuku turned, smiling at the blond. "I'm quirkless. I will not distract you from your journey, though. You will become an awesome hero! My hero."
    "I will be your number one fan! I'll work at your Hero Agency, and design things for you. Maybe, I can even get into Yuuei's Support Course!"
    "No!" The little blond's fireworks had pushed Izuku to the ground, giving him minor burns.
    Izuku rubbed his arm, smiling at Kacchan. "You have an amazing quirk. Why use it in spite?"
    "Stop smiling," Bakugo stuttered, "That's freaky. You're freaky! You're not normal!"
    "Oh! I see." Izuku got up, dusting off his clothing. "Well then, I should go."

    "A green caterpillar, making it's way though life."

    "Yo, Deku. What's up with my homework, eh?" Katsuki slammed the paper down in front of the Greenette. "You slackin' off now?"
    "You said you were having trouble with learning how to do this problem," Izuku pointed at one that didn't have any answer. "I gave a little explanation on the side to help you with it. I didn't know you would just have turned it in without reviewing it!"
    Katsuki scoffed, even knowing he was indeed wrong. "You're a moron, you know that? Do my homework right next time!" Katsuki made a small explosion in his hand before punching the Greenette.
    "O-oh! Of course. But, could you refrain from doing that? This is one of my only school uniforms that isn't burned, so-"
    "Shut up! You talk to much." Katsuki made a bigger explosion, covering the smaller boy in ash and scrapes.
    Izuku was a brave, timid boy.
    "B-be careful, Kacchan! You could sprain your wrists!"

    "But even the most wonderful caterpillars turn into a wondrous butterfly." Bakugo grabbed the daisy, putting it close to his chest.

    There Izuku had stood, awaiting the blond. His emerald green eyes shone in the falling sunlight. He inhaled, listening to the heavy footsteps nearing him.
    "What the hell did you write me a letter for, idiot?" Katsuki growled, tearing it up.
    "Look Kacchan, a butterfly."

    Katsuki stopped, not moving a muscle. He looked at the shorter boy.

    "A butterfly soaring in the sky. Is it not a beauty of life?"
    The blond straightened up, acting tough, ignoring the fact that he was a little cowering boy in the inside. "Is that what you brought me here for?"
    Izuku ignored him, not even batting an eye. "With it's unique pattern, scaring away predators even though it is harmless."
    Katsuki raised his hand, hesitant, but ready to explode it. Izuku walked over, his footsteps soundless. He gently lowered the arm, smiling at him.
    "You remind me of a butterfly, you know?"
    Bakugo shook his head violently. "Stop that!" He yelled. "Why are you being so.. Nice to me?"
    Katsuki had been taken aback when he felt to arms wrap around him. "I forgive you, Kacchan."
    He could feel tears in his eyes. Slowly, his unique pattern had been put to the side, revealing his soft interior.
    "I forgive you."

    "One thing Izuku taught me? I'm strong, I'm strong because I was able to admit I was wrong."

    "..What did you just say?"
    "I forgive you."
    The blond slowly felt weight lift off of his shoulders as he hugged back.
    "I'm sorry." He answered.

    "Izuku, I am sorry. I am sorry that I was not able to notice that even the most magnificent butterflies are fragile."

    Both boys stood there, with nothing more or less than brothership.

    "I failed to realize that some butterflies have to stop flying." The boy's lip quivered. "You were the always my best friend, Izu." He finally broke down, his mother coming up to hold him in her arms, and taking him off the small podium.

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