Chapter Two - Peace

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Izuku sat outside on the grass, doing nothing but enjoying the sounds of the crickets late at night.
"Izuku, it's getting quite late and you haven't eaten. Will you come inside now?"
Izuku got up, "Apoligies, mother. I hadn't realized the time." He took off his shoes before coming in the house, hitting his head on the top of the doorway.
"Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" Inko couldn't help but laugh before making sure her son hasn't suffered from any serious injuries.
"Y-yeah!" Izuku stuttered, rubbing the small bump. "I'll make dinner tonight, okay?"
"You really shouldn't go through all of those troubles."
Izuku disagreed, already tying his hair up to do so. He wrapped himself in his mother's apron which had barely fit.
"Do you need help?"
"No thank you!"
Izuku made Bacon and Spinach stuffed chicken with a plain buttered pasta underneath.

For this recipe you will need:

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
Freshly ground black pepper
115 g cream cheese, softened
80 g frozen spinach, defrosted and drained
55 g chopped artichoke hearts
100 g shredded mozzarella
Pinch crushed chilli flakes
4 strips bacon, cut into 4 strips
2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

Izuku started off by preheating the oven to 200°C. He made a few slits in the chicken, and seasoned with salt and pepper. He added a few of his family's preferences, but otherwise kept it simple. He then lined a large baking tray with foil, carefully placing the chicken on top.
Moving on, Midoriya grabbed a medium bowl, mixing cream cheese, spinach, artichokes, and mozzarella. He garnished this with salt, pepper, and quite a few red pepper flakes, (they both preferred spicier foods.) He filled certain slits with the mix, and filled the rest with bacon.
Ding Ding! The oven had finished preheating! He quickly sprinkled some of the remaining shredding mozzarella cheese on top of the cheese, and drizzled with olive oil.
He put it in the oven, clicking his mother's frog timer for about 35 minutes.
As he was waiting, he helped his mother turn the channel to her favorite show, (Law and Order.) He walked back to the kitchen, hearing her sigh.
"Eh? What's wrong, mom?"
"I wish I could go back to school. I would have been able to care for you so much better if I had a good job." Inko complained, carefully watching the plot twist take place.
"So, why don't you? I've grown capable enough to take care of the both of us, and if you enjoy it, I will root for you all along the way." Izuku gave a warm smile.
"Thank you, Izuku, however, I don't know if I still have what it takes. I would love to become a lawyer."
"Of course you do, Ma. If you have any struggles, though, I'll be there for you! I can help you study, and prepare you for big tests.."
Inko's eyes sparkled, slowly smiling. "Yes, perhaps you are right. I'll look into it. Thank you, my darling."
Izuku gave another wide smile before heading back into their homey kitchen.
He was having trouble with deciding whether to use angel hair pasta or spaghetti. On one hand, you will have a more delicate texture and on the other hand, a bit of a thicker feel. Izuku sucked in his breath, putting the spaghetti noodles away and sticking with the angel hair.
Midoriya boiled a large pot of water at the perfect temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, (212 degrees Fahrenheit.) He made sure it was bubbling before gently taking out the noodles and putting them in. He put the lid on, letting the heat from the steam circle around, cooking them faster. Once the noodles were done, he put a big strainer in the sink, taking out the water.
All whilst this was happening, he had salted butter and cayenne pepper in the microwave. He took it out, mixing this into a large pan where the noodles laid. He then added a bit of garlic for an extra kick.
He turned off the croaking timer. "Perfect timing," He thought. "Now everything will be hot."
He grabbed his mother's green oven mitts that weirdly enough, also had frogs on it. He picked up the pan, waving the steam off of it. He grabbed two white glass plates, careful not to drop them. The glass plates were carefully topped with the meal and two, pretty, mint leaves for the decoration.
Grabbing a Ramune Strawberry drink and Sake for his mother, he began to think, "I wish I had more hands." Just then, all of the food floated in the air, going neatly onto the table matts. He screamed.
Inko rushed in with a bat she keeps right by the front door in case of emergencies. "What happened!?"
Izuku waved his hands in front of him, "Please! Put the bat down!" Izuku walked over to the utensil drawer, opening it. "I think it's better if I show you?" Izuku concentrated, thinking, "I want these forks to float." Soon, to both of their amaze, the forks flew up, dancing in the air.
"Izuku? You have a quirk?" Inko stared in awe.
"I don't know. I think?"
"This is great! I'm so happy for you! How about we go ahead and head to the quirk doctor tomorrow morning?" Inko asked, still amazed.
"I would love to, however, I am still "dead."
Inko scoffed in realization. "Ah, yes, I suppose so. Let's get that sorted out before high school."
Inko walked to the table, followed by Izuku with the flying forks.
"Actually," Inko started, taking a bite of the delicious meal. "What high schools are you looking into?"
"Oh, I hadn't necessarily thought about that in a while. Most likely one of the normal ones around here."
"You don't want to become a hero anymore?"
Izuku stopped eating, "Well, I don't know if I have what it takes."
"Izuku, if angels decided that you deserved to live, brought you back to life, and seemingly gave you a quirk, I believe you can do anything you put your mind to." Inko cut some of the chicken, twisting it in her fork with the pasta.
Izuku blushed in embarrassment. "I want to save people."
Inko reached out for her sons hands, holding him close, "Then do that. I'm sorry I never said this earlier in life, but I truly do believe in you. I believe that you can become a hero."
Izuku felt like he had been shot by an arrow. He gulped, trying not to let tears fall. "Thank you."
"Now eat up! Even heroes need to eat delicious food."

Izuku spent the next couple hours of the day studying, making sure he knew all the information he would have to. Over the courses of years, he had been learning random things. Now, he could put all of his skills to good use. He ended up falling asleep at his desk.
"Izu, wake up, okay? Today we have to go to your middle school to take you out of the school early."
Izuku yawned, nodding his head. He grabbed a random outfit, that ended up tearing almost immediately.
"Aw, shoot! I don't have any outfits that fit me." The clothes slowly changed design and shape, fitting him perfectly. He now wore a lovely peach colored shirt that went along with white pants. He was designed with tan accessories. His hair went up in a messy bun, with two tan clips.
He fell back in surprise, gasping at the change. "Did I do that?" He thought to himself.
"I suppose you did." A voice whispered. He jolted his head around, trying to find where it was coming from. No success.
The young boy got up, making his way to his mother.
"Oh? Where did you get that from?"
"I don't really know?" He responded, looking down at his shoes.
The two made their way to the school. The Midoriyas parted, one heading to the office while the other heading to his former classroom.
"Come on in," The teacher yelled at the sound of the knock on the door. "Hello, who are you?"
"Hello, sensei! I'm just here for quick goodbyes as I'm not going to be here for the remainder of the school year."
"Dude, who is that?" A guy sitting in the middle of the classroom asked Katsuki.
"That's D- Izuku, you moron."
Gasps circled the classroom, only getting a small smile from Izuku.
"Hello, everyone. I'd just like to say thank you for my middle school experience. I hope to see you again one day."
"How'd you survive? You jumped off the roof!" The teacher glared at the student.
"I frankly don't know. I suppose it was luck."
A boy stood, activating his water quirk. "You should have stayed dead, zombie boy."
"I wish I didn't have to deal with this." Izuku thought. The boy with the water quirk stopped, not moving a muscle. The water slowly evaporated.
"E-eh? What the hell did you do to me? You bewitched me! You are a monster!"
Bakugo gave Izuku a look, before putting explosions next to the water boy's head.
"Say that again, extra!"
"Bakugo? The hell? Now your switching sides?" The frozen boy groaned. Finally, he was able to move again. He cracked his knuckles before throwing a punch at Bakgugo's face. Katsuki backed up before he could, falling into a desk.
"Hey! No fighting in my classroom, do you understand? You're both off with a warning."

Katsuki ran over to Izuku's house, knocking on the door violently.
"Hello?" The greenette finally answered.
"What in the world was that? You came back to life and have a quirk now?"
"That's what I've been asking myself! Each time I wish for help, it just.. Appears?" Katsuki threw off his shoes, walking in the house.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, last night, I made some dinner. I couldn't carry it all at one time, so I wished for more hands. All of the dishes began to float onto the table. Oh! And then there was the forks. I magically got these clothing, and then I stopped the kid in class from moving?" Izuku mumbled on, confusing himself. "Does this mean I'm multi-quirked? I'm so confused." Izuku began scratching at his neck.
Katsuki moved Midoriya's hand away, looking at him. "First, calm the hell down. Have you tried going to the quirk doctor?"
"I'm 'dead,' Kaacchan."
Bakugo stared, dumbfounded. "Oh, yeah. Maybe, you got a really cool power like a Genie? You can make three wishes a day?"
Izuku thought about it, "Perhaps."
"Try to wish for something."
Izuku concentrated.
"I wish for Katsudon." He said out loud.
"Really, that's what you wish for?"
"I'm hungry.." The katsudon appeared, steaming hot.
"Oh, shit!" Katsuki yelped.
"Cállete. Don't use such vulgar language at such an important time." Izuku put a hand over his mouth. It had felt like someone else was talking for him.
"Hey, don't tell me to shut up!"
"Aw, my bad. Heh, didn't know you were such a wuss, though!" Izuku laughed, then covered his mouth again.
"Eh? Have you finally gone mad, Zuzu?"
"I hope not. I don't think so, at least." Izuku's eyes turned white, taking him to a place that seemed much too familiar.

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