Chapter Four - Zombie Boy

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The lie detector and the insomniac knocked on the Midoriya complex. Inko answered.
"Hello. What may I help you with?" She asked.
The insomniac straightened up, "We have some news about your son. May we come inside?"
"Oh, perfect timing! He's making cookies and tea right now."
The detective shot a glance at Aizawa as he took off his shoes. Aizawa nodded doing the same.
"I hope you don't mind, but it's not just us here. The Bakugo's are here as well." Inko said, walking to the living room.
"No, not at all." Tsukauchi stated, sitting down.
"Eh? Who is it, Auntie?" Katsuki asked.
"Hello, my name is Detective Tsukauchi Nao-"
"Yeah, yeah I don't give a flying shit. I was asking Auntie Inko."
"Oi, Kacchan! Don't be rude to the guests." Izuku said, dusting the cookie crumbs off of him as he walked in the family room. Izuku stopped in his tracks, gasping. "Kacchan! Do you know who these people are?! This is Detective Tsukauchi and Eraserhead! They're some of the best in our country!" Izuku yelled.
"Fanboy." Mistuki whispered.
The two guests shifted in their seats, happy someone was a fan of them. "Well, we're here to spread news about your son, Izuku." Aizawa started.
"It wasn't a suicide, but a murder. His shoes were still on the body. Speaking of the body, it's missing from the burial grounds."
"You failed to mention this, Izuku." Inko said, eyes wide.
"Oh, my apologies. I didn't think it was of any significance."
    The detective and the hero stared at the family, "Excuse, did you just call him Izuku?"
    "Oh, how rude of me. I should have mentioned but, Izuku is alive."
    "How?" Aizawa deadpanned.
    Izuku repeated the story, only to make the two taller males more confused.
    "Are you really Izuku?" Tsukauchi turned on his quirk.
    "Yes, sir."
    Tsukauchi sat, dumbfounded beyond belief.
    "Ehem! Well then, we'll make sure to put that in the system, yes?"
    "That would be great." Inko responded, a soft smile on her face. "Would you like to stay over for dinner? It is getting dark outside."
    "I personally cannot, however, Aizawa?"
    "Perhaps." He answered, taking the freshly made tea off of the table.

    Tsukauchi left the house, leaving Aizawa and the family.
    "Dekiru, why are you staring at him?"
    "Ah! Kacchan. He's just so cool! I wonder what his scarf is made out of." Izuku said, stars in his eyes.
    "Tch! I'm better than that extra!"
    "Please don't ever compare yourself to Eraserhead ever again. He would fold you, Katsuki." Izuku glared, only to look back at the Hero.
    Katsuki gritted his teeth, storming into the living room.
    "Kacchan, what are you-"
    "I bet I could beat you up! You hobo."
    Mistuki groaned, Masaru sighing.
    "Kacchan! Stop!" Izuku whined.
    "Excuse me?" Aizawa asked, not changing expressions.
    "You look like a hobo. I could easily TAKE you in a fight!"
    Aizawa simply stared, not saying a word. "Whatever you say, kid." Aizawa drank the hot tea, his eyes turning back to the beautiful greenette in from of him.
    The group of five had smiled through the night, having more fun than the night could hold.

Izuku Midoriya:
Age - 15
Birthday - July 15
Quirk - None (Allegedly)
Height - 6'10
Status - Alive

    "What do you mean he is undead? I pushed him off of a 12 story building?"
    "Does he have immortality?"
    "No, my children. I wanted him dead for a reason. He is special. He is no mortal. For he is the son of an Angel."
    "An angel? I didn't know Hisashi was an angel."
    "Shut up! I'm a good man." Hisashi yelled.
    "You pushed your own son off of a building."
    "Hush. Hisashi is not Izuku's biological father."
    "Haha! Imagine. Your wife cheated on you!"
    "She what? I'll kill her. How dare she!" Hisashi blew smoke out of his nostrils, feeling anger rise.
    "Do not do anything irrational. Izuku is much different than you think. You do not know what he is capable of when his emotions get out of hand. You have never dealt with such a monstrosity." Hisashi huffed, slouching down.
"I hate you, Inko"

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