Chapter Three - Up in the Clouds Once Again

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    "Child, awaken." Izuku rubbed his head, seeing the angel once again. She had soft white hair, with baby blue eyes. Dark brown skin with light patches had covered her. She wore her long hair in two long pony tails. White gloves and white arm warmers. White socks with white leg warmers. She had crystal like wings, and wore a crystal and white outfit.
    "Woah. An angel.. Awh! Am I dead again?"
    "Oh, wait, no! You are alive. This is the scenery of your mindscape, not just the gates. Apologies for bringing you here oh so suddenly."
    "No need for apologies. I was just confused." Izuku stood, bowing.
    "Would you be kind enough to follow me?" The angel said, flying up and spinning in the air.
    Izuku ran after her, being led into a large room with chairs. Each of them had a symbol.
    "Welcome, Izuku Midoriya. We have been longing for you."
    That sounds nasty, man." Thunder said. The lightning like being glared.
    "Uh, hello!" Izuku sounded his best to sound positive, despite being scared.
    "My name is Lightning. The girl next to you is Angel. This stupid child is Thunder." Lightning spoke, "The one with the Ash hair is Grim. The meditating one is Etheria. Do you see the quiet one? That is Omni. Turn you head to the left, you see Flames and Hydro. That's Gener. Second to last is Mystic, and last but not least is Void."
    Izuku took out his notepad, quickly sketching the being and writing who they are.
    Flames scratched their head, "Where did he get that from?" Their question was ignored.
    "According to the names, is what our powers are. Flames, Per Se controls any fire related quirk you could imagine" Izuku choked on his own spit, now paying full attention. "Omni has any mysterious quirks, and the ones that deal with things like the brain."
    "O-oh! You guys are very powerful then!" Izuku nervously said.
    "I suppose. Any questions about any of us?"
    Izuku looked around the room, laying eyes on one person in particular. They were strong, constantly changing. "Gener? I don't really get their name."
    "Ah, yes. Gener is short for generation."
    Gener stepped forward, looking down at Izuku.
    "My power only consists of two. They both can be passed down from generation to generation, little guy." Gener stuck his finger out, letting Izuku hold it. "One for All and All for One. They are powerful quirks meant to destroy each other. One is made strictly for stealing and giving, whilst the other is almost like a super human ability. All Might owns this quirk at the moment."
    Izuku shot his head up, staring.
    "You will be the ninth generation. You will be the second generation. The chosen one of both powers."
    "What? But I don't have their powers?" Was all Izuku could muster out.
    "This time around is different. We revived you, as you were the purest soul we have ever seen in any of the many worlds. We were sending you off with a gift, and began watching you. You are the chosen one for this strength." Gener backed away as every one stood. "We are giving you our powers, Izuku. We provide you with the quirk, Angel's touch."
    Angel smiled, "They named it after me!"
    "Shut up, Angel!" Everyone shouted.
    Izuku stood, trying to process what was happening.
    "We know you'll do great. We'll come check on you frequently, okay?"
    Izuku stuttered, not knowing what to say. All of the beings put their hands together, creating a dark globe of energy. They touched Izuku's forehead, shooting him straight back to Earth.

    "Do well, my wonder." Lightning said.

    "Izuku, come on now! Don't die on me again!" Midoriya shot up, gasping for air. "You're alive!" Katsuki gave the bigger boy a large bear hug.
    "You were worried for me, Kacchan?"
    "Duh, stupid. I thought you left me for the second time."
    Izuku laughed, slowly remember what had happened. "Kacchan, I have something to tell you."
    Katsuki Straightened up, letting go of Izuku. "What?"
    "I met a ton of those Angels. They had cool names that correlated with their, 'quirks.' However, not just one quirk, it was like they could control all of the powers in that segment."
    "All?" Katsuki's eyes widened.
    "Y-yeah! For example, one was named Hydro. Hydro could control all quirks that had to deal with water." Izuku handed him his notebook, showing all of the details.
    "What's this about All Might under Genre?"
    "Gener, Kacchan. Basically, All Might and some other heroes have or had this quirk called One for All. One for All is meant to destroy All for One. I'm allegedly supposed to be the ninth and second generation of both powers, and I'm supposed to fix the bond?"
    "What? That's.. A lot to handle!"
    Izuku nodded, "There is more." Bakugo gulped. "Apparently, I have all of their powers as well."
    "What!? Holy crap, dude! That's crazy!"
    Izuku sat, looking at his scarred hand.
    "Is something wrong?" Katsuki asked, putting his arm over his shoulder.
    "What if.. What if I can't meet their expectations? Everyone says it. I'm just a Deku."
    Katsuki sucked in his breath, being reminded of the Horrors of Izuku's life. "Dekiru. How about we call you that from now on?"
    "Yeah, like.. You can do it. Everyone believes it, so why not we make it true, Dekiru?"
    Izuku's eyes sparkled, his face twisting into a huge smile. "I like that. I like that a lot. Yeah! I'm Dekiru, the hero of hope!" Izuku stood, hitting his head on the ceiling.
    "Hahah," Bakugo mocked. "Dekiru, the head hittin' hero." Izuku groaned.
    "Yeah, yeah," Izuku grumbled.
    "Don't get ahead of yourself, though. We're still the wonder duo, yeah?"
    Izuku smiled, doing their secret handshake. "Of course, Kacchan."

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