Chapter One - The Boy who Breathed

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"Child. Awaken." A soft voice whispered.
"Eh? W-Where am I?" He looked around, freaking out when he realized he was on clouds.
"Calm down, my wonder. You are at the gates. You have jumped off the roof, perishing soon after."
"Jumped? I don't remember jumping." Izuku muttered, making the being of light gasp.
"What was that, Darling?"
"I never jumped. I would never leave my mother." Izuku gave a sad smile. "My time has come to an end though, yes?"
"O-one second, honey! I must consult to my siblings!"

"The boy has never done any wrong! He deserves better. We musn't ignore this!" The being of light yelled.
"Cállate, Hermana." A shadow looking being grumbled.
    A different being walked over, hands behind their back. They were covered in purple lightning. "Telling your baby sister to shut up will not fix this mess. She is right. He is a pure child, and we should not leave this matter alone."
    "Yeah, man! He seems like a cool dude!"
    "Thunder, you should not use such language at the meeting table. This is serious matters," said the woman covered in lightning.
    "Man, that's wack." Thunder slouched, crossing their arms.
    "We should send him back home. Perhaps give him a gift for all the troubles?" A person with an ethereal aura suggested.
    "Etheria is not wrong. How about we give him some of our powers? Or not! That is probably dangerous. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for even saying such a stupid idea!!"
    "Ugh, Shut up! You are so annoying. Giving him our powers is not a bad idea. I say we give him the most of mine, since it's the best power."
    "What did I say about telling people to shut up, Grim?" Electricity shot out of the girl in spite. "We will give him half of all of our "quirks," as the humans would say."
    "What about the people who are not here?" The being of light asked?
    "We shall tell them later, giving them the choice of teaching the green boy how to use their powers as well."
    After finally agreeing on a verdict, the first girl floated back to the dead boy.
    "Oh, hello. Sorry for freaking out earlier. Your wings are beautiful!" Izuku smiled, warming the Angel's heart.
    "You must go back to your family, now."
    "It is time for you to go back to Earth. I enjoyed your short company." The Angel touched the young Midoriya's forehead, sending a heat wave through him.

    The spiky blonde sat before the grave, letting his tears flow out with no struggle.
    "I miss you! I am sorry! Come back to me, please!" Katsuki cried out, in need of a hug from his best friend.    
    "I miss you too, Kacchan."
    Bakugo jolted up, rubbing his eyes when he saw Midoriya.
    The boy wore a loose fitted white top and sleeves that were wide. They were tucked into fitted, brown dress pants with gold stitching. He wore his same red shoes with a more clean feel to them. His green hair now had perfectly white streaks in it that flowed down to his waist. His bangs were accompanied by a golden, string headband with crystals hanging off of it.
    What threw Katuski off the most was his face. Izuku had dead eyes with eye bags underneath, but still wore a soft expression. He had skin draft patches all over his body and pale skin. One of his emerald green eyes were now grey, whilst scars and his freckles stood out against his skin.
    Midoriya slowly crouched down to Bakugo's level, lifting his chin up. "I missed you too."
    The blonde jumped up, hugging him, and crying into the now taller boy's shoulder. "Stay off of roofs, you idiot."

    Now, let us jump into a different point of time: Right after the incident.
    Two people investigated the crime scene. They went by the names Shota Aizawa and Naomasa Tsukauchi.
    "What the hell happened here?" The hero had asked.
    "Izuku Midoriya, Age 15, quirkless had allegedly jumped off the Aldera Middle School Roof. It was first reported by a male who wished to stay anonymous. Witnesses say they saw the mysterious male leave the crime scene right after it happened." Tsukauchi answered, eyes glued in horror at the dead boy.
    "Why don't you bring him in for an interrogation?"
    "I would have if he would have stayed." The detective finally looked up. "Also, how would you feel if you had just watched someone jump off of a roof and were immediately questioned?"
    Aizawa groaned, looking at the green haired male again. "There's something off about this case. His mother said he had always been a happy child, even though he went through some struggles. He.." Aizawa stopped, now realizing what stood out.
    "Eraser?" Naomasa stared at the other male, trying to make out his mumbles. "I can't hear you."
    "His shoes are still on."
    Tsukauchi whipped his head around, eyes widening. "This wasn't a suicide..."
    "It was a murder."

The two males couldn't inform the family that the young boy had been murdered before the funeral. Unfortunately, that allowed the twisted mindset of guilt to stay burned into their heads.
Not for long, though.
The doorbell had rung at the Midoriya household, which was answered to a crying Inko and teary eyed Bakugos. Izuku, (now being much to tall to hide behind Katsuki,) hid behind the corner.
"Oh. Hello, Katsuki." She tried to wipe away her endless tears.
"I have a present for you."
"Oh, you shouldn't have." Inko stopped, seeing her son. She fell back, Mistuki barely grabbing her in time.
She looked up at the elegant boy. "..Izuku? Is.. Is that.."
"Hello, Mother." He smiled, one hand behind his back nervously fidgeting with his belt hoop and the other giving a one handed wave.
In disbelief, Inko shook her head. After all, who would believe a dead person would be walking onto their doorstep?
"Who is this stranger, Katsuki." Inko asked, sounding more brave in her head.
"This is Izuku, Auntie."
"Oi! Don't do that to her! We're all mourning his loss, but this? This was a horrible decision." His mother yelled, fighting back tears. Masuru grabbed her, pulling her into a hug.
"I'm being serious. I'm done bullying him. I'm done with all of that. So please, believe me." Katsuki pleaded, making room for Izuku to step up.
Inko stepped closer as her son bent down to reach her height. She touched his cheek, him nuzzling into it.
"I may have grown quite a bit," the Giant like boy joked,
"I want to believe this. I do. I want to believe you truly are my son. But, I don't know how. I don't think I can accept this."
Izuku nodded, understanding. "Is there any way I can prove it to you?"
"I don't know. I.." Inko, still in shock walked backwards. "I- I think I need to lay down." The lady rushed to the couch, breathing heavily. Mistuki and Masaru quickly followed after.
"She doesn't know who I am."
Izuku's calm expression slowly morphed into fear. "She doesn't know me."
"Hey, hey! Izuku, we're going to figure this out. It's a lot to process."
Izuku backed up, staring down at Katsuki.
"How did you know I am me? How do you.." Izuku gulped, beginning to doubt his own existence. 
"'Kacchan.' That was one of the first things you said to me.'" Izuku looked at him. "No one else had ever called me that." Katsuki, getting an idea pulled Izuku into the house.
"Wait! I think she needs time!"
"Auntie. What if you asked him questions that only he would know?" Inko thought, slowly obliging.
"You both may sit." Inko sighed, thinking about what to ask. Katuski sat on the couch, Izuku sitting on the floor.
"So, tell me. What's your favorite food?"
"Your Katsudon, of course. It's very rich and flavorful." Izuku scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Favorite color?"
"What's your quirk?"
"I don't have one, Ma."
Inko, still testing him put up a small act. "I love you, Zuzu."
"I love you more." He responded.
"I loved you first." Inko said, smiling.
"I love you to the moon and back."
Inko gasped, tears beginning to flow again. "Izu, is that really you?" Inko hugged him, balling her eyes out.
"I love you so much. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for not being strong enough for you. I'm sorry!"
Izuku hugged back, tears falling as well. "Don't cry, Ma."
"You definitely look a bit different!" She laughed, can't helping but admire him.
They stayed in the same position for about five minutes, everyone enjoying each others company. Inko finally pulled away, grabbing everyone tea.
"So, how?" Masaru asked.
"I think we're all wondering that same question." Mistsuki added on, sipping her drink.
"I met a pretty Angel. She reminded me of my death, which I told her was never my doing." Katsuki spit out his tea.
"I never committed suicide. I was pushed off of the school building whilst admiring the stars." Everyone looked at him, processing the information. "The Angel walked off, coming back not to long after. She touched my forehead, sending me back here. My grave was where I had met Kacchan!" Izuku smiled, giving a side hug to the blonde.
"And now you look like you belong in a fairytale?" Mistuki scoffed.
"I suppose." Izuku chuckles, touching his soft hair.
"You're a giant! I remember how short you used to be and now you can barely fit through the doorway!" Masaru adjusted his glasses.
"Now, you can grab things up high for me, correct?" Everyone let out a wholehearted laugh. They Bakugos stayed for a few more hours, eating Izuku's favorite food in celebration.

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