Filler Chapter - The Pity Quirk

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Izuku sat in his bedroom, looking at his scarred hand. Feelings of disgust had swarmed through his head. The boy could feel fresh, warm, blood rush to his head, despite feeling dead cold.
Angel's Touch was an overwhelming power to have in the hands of a young boy. Despite being told that he was "chosen," he had felt like he should not have such a quirk. Many heroes could be in need of such power, yet he had selfishly taken it for himself.
Some of his hair strands rose out of place, his hair changing to a darker shade. He was not supposed to feel so ungrateful. He was gifted something to change the world, however, he wanted to get rid of it?
Saving people was in his blood, he supposed. This had to be done, or he should be exiled. People were counting on him. Not just the sky beings, but his mother, aunt and uncle, Kacchan-
Ah, Katsuki. He had crossed the greenette's mind multiple times. During his forgiving hour with the exploding boy, he had a sickening gut feeling that this moment was not supposed to happen yet. He did not want to forgive Katsuki, however, he did not want to be a bad person.
Midoriya didn't like pity. Pity showed weakness.
    This boy was supposed to be a symbol of love, showing care to everyone. Did everyone mean himself?

    "Oi, Deku!" Izuku flinched at the nickname, opening the door, nonetheless.    "Oh, shoot! I'm sorry. I meant Dekiru, I swear!"
    Katsuki didn't seem like he meant Dekiru. He said Deku with such pride.
    "Hello, Kacchan." Izuku gave his regular, unbothered, and pleasant expression. His face was also welcomed with a small but warm smile.
    "Do you wanna train with me for Yuuei? It's right around the corner, ya shitstack."
    Izuku rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't want to train.
    "Okay, Kacchan. Shall you lead the way?"
    Izuku followed after the dirty blonde, his feet meeting the wet grass.
    "Let's spar first, yeah?"
    Izuku didn't want to fight.
    "Of course. If that is what you please." Midoriya answered, getting into a front stance.
    Katsuki went with a right hook - A very predictable move, if Izuku may. He dodged with ease, grabbing the blonde's other hand. A wave of relaxation went through Katsuki's mind and body. All of his negative thoughts had dissipated, his rough exterior going with them.
    The shorter boy fell limp, a sense of simplistic joy on his face. "I did not want to continue fight you, Kacchan." Izuku muttered.
    "That's okay. I don't mind saving it for another day." Katsuki gave a surprising widened smile, happily bouncing up. "May I excuse myself? A walk sounds quite nice."
    Izuku gave a thumbs up, watching as the other boy left.
    Did Izuku deserve such power? He sighed. The entrance exam was only 2 days away. His face became calm once again, bringing peace to anything and everything that was nearby.
Inko pulled him close using her quirk. Every since Izuku had gotten his, he could help Inko improve her's. She checked for any marks on her son's face, making sure he was completely okay.
"Have you eaten today?"
"Yes, mama."
"Okay, go eat more." She smiled, letting him go from her surprisingly strong grasp. As the boy walked, his mother's cooking filled a plate behind him. He set it on the table, not even looking up. The chair seemingly moved on it's own as he sat down.
The boy ate the ramen, looking at his phone whilst taking a bite. Just then, his mother grabbed it from him, taking a seat herself.
With food stuffing his mouth, he spoke, "Wait, I'm sorry." She glared at him, looking at what he was looking at. Her eyes gleamed with joy.
"You really are going to Yuuei High!? I thought you were going to skip out."
Izuku blushed in embarrassment, scratching the back his neck. "Yeah. I also started to design hero costume." He calmed down, smiling.
She began to flip through the tabs, (with provided permission,) seeing his high school plan.
"You're going to be the best hero, Izu." Before he could say a word, Inko shushed him. "You already are a hero, darling."

Izuku was grateful for his mother's words, but at the same time, he almost began to feel pressured. What if he messed up? What if he couldn't use his new found quirk as expected of him? Was he really cut out for heroism?

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