Chapter 6-Static.

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*Anything in bold in this chapter is what Sam & Colby are experiencing.*

The first word I heard was "Yes." Crystal clear. I had no idea what Kat had asked, but it was apparent that there was something here with us.

"Yes." Colby said, immediately after Sam asked the first question.

The breeze I'd felt only seconds earlier was gone, the air became still and suffocating. "Recognize."




"No. Sadness."




"Go away."





"Blue hair."

"Blue hair."

Colby shot up and ripped the headphones off, throwing the blindfold to the side. Sam's eyes widened. They ran downstairs, nearly tripping over the steps.

A warm hand shook my knee and I knew it meant that the Estes was over. The only problem was, it was coming from the wrong angle to be Kat. I took off the headphones and blindfold to find Colby crouched in front of me, hand on my knee, and Sam standing behind him. Both had worried looks on their faces.

"What?" I asked.

"Everything was going fine until I asked what the spirit was feeling." Sam answered. "Colby started saying things like 'kill,' 'knife,' and 'murder.'"

"Maddie said the same things." Kat announced.

"I said 'kill' then 'blue hair.'" Colby confessed.

"I remember saying the same thing. It scared the shit out of me." I said.

"Blue hair turned red." The spirit box said. I fumbled to get the headphones off from around my neck before throwing them and the box onto the ground. "Blood."

"Oh fuck no." Colby said, covering me as we all looked around the room. "She's ours." He called out to the spirit. "Do you get that? She's ours! You can't have her! It's not her time!"

"We need to get you out of here." Sam decided, going upstairs to grab the equipment they left. Tears stung my eyes and I grabbed onto Colby's arm as he hugged me from the side.

"This is so fucking weird." I whined.

"It's alright." Colby mumbled, rubbing my shoulder while Kat reassuringly smoothed my hair. My blue hair.

Sam entered the room again and blew out a shaky sigh before speaking. "Maybe you guys should go get food for us. Getting out of here for a little while might help." He suggested. I nodded.

"I'm staying with you." Kat said as Sam plopped down onto the footstool next to her. He grabbed her hand and smiled at her as I stood up, breaking out of Colby's hug.

"We'll be right back." I promised. Colby grabbed his jacket on the way out the door, leading me to the car. As soon as I swung into the passenger seat, I felt a lot safer.

"You're cold to the touch, Mads." Colby said, laying his jacket out on my lap.

"That'll happen when a spirit tells you they want to kill you." I sniffed, wiping the tears from my cheeks. He started the car and drove away from the house.

"This was a bad idea. We shouldn't have brought you here. It's obvious you're being targeted."

"It's too late now, we came here to investigate, we're gonna do it. Murderous spirit or not." Colby reached over the console and held my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"I envy your bravery."

"I envy your experience."

"All of my experience kinda went out the window when a creepy house threatened the woman I care about."

"If it'd been anyone else, we wouldn't have freaked out this much."

"If it'd been Sam or Kat, I would've flipped out and you know you would've too."

"If it were you, I would have flipped out." I added, squeezing his hand gently.

"Good to know." He chuckled.

"I could really use a Sprite right now."

"Still got that Sprite addiction?"

"Still got that sarcasm addiction?"

"Touché. You've still got that smart mouth. That's how you fit in, I guess."

"Colby Brock, that was just mean." I laughed.

"Whatever it takes to make you happy." He justified, smiling.

"You should smile more, it looks good on you."

"Maddie, I swear to god. Compliment me again and I'm still gonna be blushing by the time we get back."


"Smart ass."

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