Chapter 1- Out of the Blue

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Sam> Hey, I have a favor to ask.
Mads> Shoot.
Sam> I know ur home from college, would u want to come to LA?
Mads> Ur buying my plane ticket.
Sam> Sick.

When I got off the plane, Sam was supposed to be waiting for me. As big brothers go, he wasn't the worst, but I was pretty much stranded at the airport. My name is Maddie Golbach. I'm 22, five foot four and I look identical to my brother, Sam. We even have similar careers, he's a ghost hunter and I'm a medium. Both with YouTube channels.

"Hey, shortstack!" I heard someone call, the familiar nickname triggering a forgotten memory. I recognized that voice. I whirled around and met a pair of icy blue, excited eyes.

"Colby!" I shrieked. I dropped my duffel bag and ran towards him, throwing myself into his leather jacket-covered arms. "I missed you so much."

"It's been forever."

"It's been four years." I pulled away and grabbed my bag, following him as he led me to his car.

"You've changed a lot." He said, opening the door for me.

"I haven't changed that much." I replied, taking my bun out as he swung into the car.

"Your hair is longer, your style is different, and you have your ears pierced."

"You haven't changed much, your style is exactly the same."

"It's not a phase, mom." He said incredibly dramatically, causing me to burst into laughter.

Sam, Colby Brock and I got really close really fast. I'm three years younger than Sam so when he and Colby met in between their freshman and sophomore years of high school, they brought seventh-grade me along on their adventures. The last time I'd seen them was when they dropped me off at college four years ago and left crying. Yeah, I'd watched all of their insane ghost hunting videos, but I hadn't seen them in person. I'd just graduated from college and had no more than walked in the door of my childhood home when Sam asked if I wanted to fly out to L.A.

An hour after Colby had picked me up from the airport, Sam had given me a house tour and called Seth, Kat, and Jake for whatever video they'd planned.

"You want to clue me in on what we're doing?" I asked Sam as I helped him set up cameras.

"Nope." He replied, grinning.

"Colbs?" I turned to him.

"You'll figure it out." He said.

"Thanks. Give me a hint at least, is it something you guys have done before?"

"Yes and no."


"There's alcohol involved." Sam added.

"I'm in."

Sam and Colby took their seats in the middle of the couch in front of the camera, a table placed in front of them.

"Maddie, take a seat in front of the table. Seth, Jake and Kat, there are chairs behind us for you." Sam said, pulling out six shot glasses. Colby clicked on the camera and plopped back onto the couch.

"What's up, guys? It's Sam and Colby!" He exclaimed.

"Today we're going to be playing a game we like to call 'Truth, Dare, Drink.'" Sam continued. "We have here behind me, Seth, Jake and Kat, the most awkward looking trio ever. And here in front of us, we have my lovely and amazing sister, Madelyn."

"Also known as Maddie the Medium here on YouTube," Colby continued, "Maddie will be joining us soon for more exploration and ghost hunting videos, but for now, let's explain what we're doing here."

"Real talk here," Seth started, "She got to L.A. about two hours ago and we only told her we were doing a video like twenty minutes ago."

"Yeah I'm clueless." I laughed.

"We know." Sam sighed, patting my head. "Anyway, the game is simple. You will get asked truth or dare, you answer, and if you don't want to do the dare or tell the truth, you have to take a shot of straight whiskey." Colby pulled a bottle of whiskey out of God only knows where and slammed it on the table, startling me.

"We all have shot glasses that are unique so no one can mix up their glasses, and we're going to go around in a circle to ask questions. When it's your turn to ask a question, you can ask it to anyone, not just the next person in line. Let's go." Colby finished. He poured six shots and set them on the table.

"I'll go first. Seth, truth or dare?"

"Truth, I guess." Seth sighed.

"How does it feel to be related to an ax murderer?"

"Well damn, get right to the point. For real, though, it's kinda weird, not gonna lie. I don't get a lot of questions about it."

"Well, since you are behind me, we'll have you go next, then Kat, etcetera."

"Sick, okay." Seth turned to face the other two sitting next to him. "Jake, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Jake replied.

"Would you ever consider spending the night in the conjuring house?"

"I'll take my shot." He threw the whisky back like it was water. "I literally just came here to get wasted, that's it." He said, throwing us all into a fit of laughter. "Kat, you're up."

"Maddie," She asked. "Truth or dare."

"Truth." I replied, playing it safe.

"Boring. Would you ever consider moving to L.A.?"

"Yeah. I love it here, and I'd be closer to Sam and Colby."

"Ooh, Maddie truth or dare." Jake blurted.

"I guess dare this time."

"Dye your hair blue."

"Hell yeah, let's do it."

"I have hair dye in my room." Colby added. "I'm gonna go get it."

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