Chapter 14- Feel the Love.

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"'Would you guys want to do a meet and greet in different cities around the country, sort of like how a musician goes on tour?'" I read off of the screen. "I wouldn't mind doing something like that, it sounds fun. Sam?"

"We already travel around the world for our haunted tours, why not just stop in a major city while we're there?" He answered. "We love meeting you guys, and we go everywhere, it only makes sense to do one."

"Yeah, you guys don't see it, but behind the camera we are constantly making sure that we're doing our best for you." Kat continued. "We try to keep our merch cheap so you guys can afford it, we give you guys behind the scenes stuff, we do what we do for you guys. And that's not something that everyone can say about every influencer. I would go around the country without a second thought for you guys."

"You guys think we forget about you because there's so many of you, but we don't." Colby added. "We remember when we meet you guys. And that's what makes a decision like that so easy, we love seeing you guys. We love you guys. Like Kat said, you're the reason we do what we do."

"So tour dates tbd?" Sam teased, drawing a laugh from the rest of us.

"Maybe, we'll see." Kat replied, cracking open her Pepsi can.

"Next question!"

"Alright, jeez." I said, clicking to the next question, a smile forming on my face as I read it. "I want to preface this by saying that this one is specifically for Colby. And I quote, 'Is the cute emo boy in the back single?'" Kat's jaw dropped and I slowly turned in my chair, meeting Colby's wide eyes.

"Ummm, well..." He said, his cheeks blooming with color. "Next question!" Sam laughed at Colby's shock, falling back onto my bed.

"Okay then. 'It might sound stupid, but do you guys all sleep in the same rooms when you get hotels? It's kinda weird, but I'm just curious.'"

"Look, nothing you could say could sound as odd as that last one." Kat clarified. "Sam, you wanna take this one?"

"Yeah sure." Sam wheezed, wiping the tears from his eyes. "So we recently went to Rhode Island, the four of us, and we got a hotel overnight before our flight. We just got two rooms, Colby and I shared one and the girls shared one. We did that at Crescent Hotel, too."

"Yeah where you punched me in your sleep." Colby muttered.

"You locked us in the meat locker."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty. Both of you shut the fuck up." Kat sighed.

"Well, that is all of the questions for this livestream." I announced. As usual, I did my dorky little outro, earning yet another muffled chuckle from Sam. As soon as I turned off the livestream, Sam was up, Colby had finished his second Red Bull, and Kat had already left my room. Damn, feel the love.

"Wanna go get dinner?" Sam asked as I stood up and stretched.

"Yeah, sure." I groaned, popping my neck. "Just got done sitting, let's go sit for longer."

"I'll park on the other side of the parking lot so you can get your steps in."

"Thanks, you're so thoughtful." I deadpanned.

Sam drove a lot more recklessly than Kat who drove like a grandma, but slower than Colby who drove like we were in a Fast and Furious movie. I still felt safer in his car than I felt in any Uber or taxi I'd ever taken. We were seated almost immediately in a secluded booth in the corner of the restaurant, our server getting our drink order nearly as soon as we sat down.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked, setting my menu down.

"Just promise me you won't get mad." He sighed.

"Sam, I agreed to have dinner and talk, I'm not gonna walk out, especially now that you're buying."

"I wanted to talk about you and Colby."

"I'm not sure how much there is to talk about."

"I was...wrong. I was shocked and upset and I wasn't thinking clearly."

"It's fine, Sam. I should have straight-up told you."

"It's not fine, though. You're my little sister and I want what's best for you. Colby is my best friend and I want what's best for him. I was more worried about what it would do to our friendship than yours. I talked to Kat last night and she told me about what you said. I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted. I'm sorry for overreacting the way I did."

"It's alright. I give you and Colby permission to date." My heart fluttered at his words. I was certain I'd misheard him due to the commotion. When the corners of his mouth turned upwards in a soft smile, I knew I'd heard him right.

"Seriously?" I breathed.

"Seriously." He replied, nodding slightly.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, dork."

"I guess now's as good of a time as any to tell you, but he and I slept in his room last night."

"You didn't do anything...freaky, did you?"

"No, we were too exhausted to do anything."

"Kat said you'd gone to bed but I never saw you go back to your room."

"Now I can do it whenever I want."

"Ew, don't throw pictures like that into my brain." He teased, drawing a giggle from me.

I texted Colby and told him to be waiting in the living room when I got home. He was standing in front of the couch, as promised.

"Hey, what's-" He started. I flung myself into his arms, cutting off his question.

"Sam said he approves." I whispered. At my words, Colby snaked one arm around my waist and one around my shoulders, threading his hand into my hair and holding me close as if I'd fall through his hands like sand. He flicked his eyes up to Sam who was standing in the doorway, the tears in his eyes matching Colby's. Colby gently nodded and Sam returned the gesture. On the other side of the room, Kat smiled at me. I mouthed "thank you" to her and she pumped her fist in the air.

"I love you." Colby whispered into my ear.

"I love you, too." I replied, nearly choking on the emotion in my throat. When we stepped back, a sense of beginning washed over me when I looked at Colby. He moved over to Sam and embraced him, both boys shedding tears. I heard a faint, "take care of her" come from Sam and "I will" come from Colby. The two boys I loved most in the world promised each other to take care of me.

you get a double post tonight because I will be taking a break for personal reasons soon. the regular uploading schedule will resume on August 6th or 7th, I'm not sure yet :)

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