Chapter 9- Always Asleep.

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What's going on with you and Colby?" Kat asked as I stepped out of the bathroom after my shower.

"W-What do you mean?" I stuttered.

"Oh, please. When I left, you guys were just fine. When I came back, he was blushing and you were flustered. Something must have happened."

"Nothing happened, Kat. I wiped the blood off of his face, that's it." I flopped down on the bed, staring at the TV screen.

"That's it?"

"That's it. Seriously, we're just friends."

"I've got news for you, your 'friend' is sitting next to you on the plane home."

"Okay, how did you manage that?"

"I switched the names on the tickets. Now Sam and I are sitting together and you and Colby have a row to yourselves."

"Kat, I can't tell if you're a saving grace or a pain in the ass."

"So you admit there's something?"

"Nope." I chuckled as I looked at the ceiling, imagining his arms around me in a hug.

"You want the window seat?" Colby asked as we were boarding the plane. Sam and Kat had the row in front of us, the latter looking back at us every now and then.

"Of course I do, I have to take aesthetic pictures of the plane." I replied, sliding in.

"God, you're a basic white girl."

"Yeah, yeah. It's six a.m., I don't think I'll be taking many pictures." I yawned as he slid into the seat next to me.

"I'm serious, as soon as the plane takes off, I'm going to sleep. We're getting home at midnight because of the time zone changes." His phone chimed with a text as the rest of the commotion settled and people found their seats. I glanced over at his screen and read the text.

Sammy> no funny business.
Colby> says the one who was kissing his girlfriend throughout most of breakfast.
Sammy> at least I have a girlfriend. Don't get any ideas.

Colby sighed and turned his phone off, setting it on the aisle seat. I reached over and grabbed his hand, drawing a gentle smile from him. True to his word, his eyes got heavy about 20 minutes after the plane took off. I turned on The Lion King and leaned my head on his shoulder. He laid his cheek on top of my head and mumbled something along the lines of "glad you're safe."
We were asleep in twenty minutes.

A patch of turbulence woke me up. It always did. Another movie was playing and the plane was dark, little to no noise apparent.

"You awake?" Colby mumbled, his chest vibrating.

"Yeah." I replied quietly. I leaned over the seat and looked at my dumbass brother. He was passed out against the wall, Kat asleep on his shoulder.

"We're just great about staying off of each other, aren't we?"

"Kat asked me what happened last night after you left."

"Sam was pissed about what happened in the car. He asked me about that after I left."

"Well he's gonna be pissed at me at like ten o'clock tonight."


"I suck at scheduling. Like seriously. I agreed to go to a friend's party tonight."

"Maddie, you're gonna be exhausted."

"Relax, she lives in L.A."

"So? You're still gonna be tired."

"Well I'll need someone to drive me home if I'm tired. Wanna come with?"

"Might as well. Sam's got editing duties for this video."

"Versus being a celebrity's sister, I'll bring a celebrity with me."

"You do know that I'm not technically a celebrity, right?"

"You won a Streamy award. You're a celebrity."

"Sure." He moved and threw his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. "I'll even let you pick what I wear."

"She wants it to be super fancy. I picked out a dress to wear the day I agreed to it."

"I have a suit jacket and slacks."

"Good enough." I chuckled.

"This'll be fun."

"Yeah, especially because you have gashes on your cheek. By the way, let me see." Colby turned his head and allowed me to examine the scratches. "Looks better than last night."

"Sleeping was fun. I couldn't let my face touch the damn pillow."

"Aw, poor baby couldn't sleep?"

"Shut up." He chuckled.

"You're doing what now?" Sam practically screeched as I looked in the mirror and finished my makeup.

"For the hundredth time, Sam. I'm going to Ashley's party. I agreed to go months ago." I sighed.

"Maddie, it's ten o'clock at night and we haven't slept all that much in two or three days. You have to be tired."

"I am. That's what makeup is for." My phone buzzed and I tapped on the text.

Colbs> Car's outside. Whenever ur ready.
Mads> I'm omw.

"That's it?" Sam asked as I moved towards the door.

"Yep. I'll be home by midnight."

"Be safe." Sam sighed, defeatedly.

I grinned as I opened the door and Colby looked up. The black dress I'd picked made my blue hair stand out, but in a good way. It barely brushed my knees in the front, but the princess cut allowed the back to be long enough to hit mid-calf. The black heels completed the look and I just knew Colby would make fun of me for them. His jaw dropped to the floor as he took in the look.

"You're still short." He teased, opening my door for me.

"I fucking knew it." I sighed.

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