Chapter 28- Let Her Go.

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Colby went out for his morning walk and the nurse wandered in, a respectable, kind, seventy-something lady with a motherly gaze.

“So, that one with the black hair.” She began as she pulled the tubes out of my arms.

“That’s Colby. He’s my boyfriend.” I replied, smiling a little.

“The blonde one?”

“Sam. My brother.”

“Ah, I see. That boy, Colby, was in here holding your hand while you slept every time I walked in here last night. He’s a good one, honey. Take an old lady’s advice.”

“I agree. He’s the best one.”

“Well, you’re free to go now.  All of your tubes out and everything.”

“Oh. Thank you.”

The nurse handed me the clothes I’d been wearing when I was admitted, now washed. When I made it outside with my stuff, I saw Colby wandering around the hospital garden. I moved to go over to him when I paused. I needed to clear my head. I couldn’t do it with Colby hovering.
I turned around and walked towards the entrance, leaving an oblivious Colby alone.

My phone rang two hours later. I’d made it to a hotel and rented a room by then, and I was sitting on the balcony.

“Hey, Mads. Where are you?” Colby asked. “I went back to your room and the nurse said you’d been discharged.”

“I’m…not at the hospital anymore.” I replied.

“Oh, I guess I’ll see you at home then.” I could hear him walking, most likely towards the parking garage.

“Colby… I’m not there, either.”

“Where are you?”

“Somewhere in L.A. I need to clear my head. I love you. And I love Sam and Kat. But I can’t do it at home.”

“Baby, you just had surgery. You shouldn’t be alone.”

“It was a minor surgery and they discharged me.”

“We need you at home, I promise we can figure this out.”

“I’m not coming home until I know that I can.”

“You can, I promise.”

“Colby, I’m not coming home.”

“We need you. I need you.” His voice broke and I felt a tug on my heartstrings. “Please.”

“I’m sorry. I’m staying where I’m at.”

“I’m coming to find you.”

“You won’t be able to, don’t waste your time. I’ll be home soon, I promise.”


“We’re not breaking up, Colby. I just need to clear my head. You hike, I drive. Since I can’t do that, I’m here.”

“I have an interview at home tonight. If you wanna come home, feel free to crash the shoot.” He was trying to lighten the mood, and it worked.

“I’ll make sure to watch it.”

“What about Sam?”

“Tell him. I’m turning my phone off.”

“I want you to know something. ‘I don't blame you, dear. For running like you did all these years. I would do the same, you best believe.’”

“You listened to it.”

“It’s our song. Of course I did.”

“I like that. ‘Our song.’”

“I love you, Maddie. Be safe.”

“I will. I love you, too, Colbs.”

I hung up and went back inside, shutting off my phone and tossing it on the other bed. I felt horrible for doing that to him, but I needed to come to terms with everything that had happened. Two or three hours flew by and a notification came through on my laptop. I opened it to the video Colby had told me about.

“Introduce yourselves!” The man behind the camera said. The boys were sitting awkwardly on the couch in the living room.

“I’m Sam Golbach.” Sam said, grinning a little.

“I’m Colby Brock.” Colby added.

“You guys are best known for ghost hunting videos, right?” The man asked.

“Yeah we got popular for that after vine.” Sam replied.

“We have popular fan-asked questions for both of you. Let’s get into it.”

Some of the questions ranged from things like “What was your favorite experience?” “Do you enjoy ghost hunting?” to more common things like their favorite sodas or colors.

“‘Are you single?’” The man asked. Colby made eye contact with Sam, unsure. We hadn’t made our relationship public yet.

“No, my lovely girlfriend, Kat, would probably kill me if I said yes.” Sam chuckled.

“Colby, what about you?”

“I um… I’m not single, either.” Colby replied.

“Oh, this is news. Who’s the lucky lady?”

“Let’s get one thing straight, I’m the lucky one here. We haven’t really gone public about it yet and we’ve done it sort of for her safety and privacy, really. I don’t want her getting threats and things like other influencers do, so until she’s ready, we’re just gonna keep it between us and our close friends.”

“Can you tell us anything about her?”

“She’s awesome. She’s one of the best people I’ve ever met.”

“Aw, Colby’s in love.” The man teased.

“Yeah, I am. I love her.” Colby replied. I could see his eyes getting glossy as he looked directly at the camera.

“Anything you wanna tell her?”

“If you’re watching this, you know who you are, don’t look at the comments. And honestly for everyone else watching, don’t comment mean things.”

“Are we gonna see some couple’s costumes out of you guys on friday?”

“Oh shit, Friday’s Halloween.” Sam sighed. “We’ll see.”

Sam and Colby intended to host a Halloween party at home. I hadn’t crashed the shoot, I had to crash the party.

sorry about that mistake TwT

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