Chapter 2

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Harry's POV
When I heard the cracks of apparition, I walked to the entrance hall.

Snape was pointing his wand at me and said, "The vow Potter."

I took out my wand slowly. He was observing all my moves. "I, Harry James Sirius Potter-Black, do hereby swear on my magic that I will not intentionally harm Severus Tobias Snape. So, mote it be."

"When did you become a Potter-Black?" He asked.

"After the trial in my fifth year. Sirius decided enough was enough, and blood adopted me without Dumbledore knowing about it. I didn't want anyone else to know, so I never used my original name after the adoption." I said.

Severus lowered his wand and relaxed his stance a little.

"Follow me. We shall go the lounge." I said as I walked into the house. Snape followed. He was on guard, and I could tell that by looking at his body posture.

When we sat down, Kreacher had put some biscuits and black tea and coffee on the table.

"They are not poisoned. You can have them if you want." I said as I picked up black tea. He just nodded and sat down on the couch opposite to mine.

"Do you know that Dumbledore is still alive?" I asked. I know he won't like me talking around the bush, so I got to the point.

He looked at me as if I had an extra head.

"I know you won't believe me so easily. Read my mind. But do it gentlely." I said.

Snape gave a small nod and entered my mind. He witnessed the conversation, and I had to experience it again.

"How?" He asked. He was shaking, and I could see that. There was this small tug inside me to go and comfort Snape, but would he accept me giving him a hug, not even over my dead body.

So I got up, walked to him, and just put my hand on his shoulder. He gave a thankful nod.

"I will be going to Gringotts for a purge. Will you accompany me? I have a feeling that something is wrong." I said.

He looked at me, trying to decipher if I was honest or not. When he found his answer, he nodded and got up.

We walked to the entrance hall.

"You have to take my hand. People can come in without being keyed into the wards if they were invited, but to go out, they have to go with me." And reached my hand out to him.

He looked impressed at my idea to save myself and terminate the threat inside without them going out.

He held my hand rather grudgingly and mumbled something about Potters being silly.

I apparated us to Diagon Alley. We walked to Gringotts and to the counter.

"May your gold flow and enemies fall at your feet, teller goblin." I greeted them.

The goblin smiled, though it looked terrifying to others, "May your gold flow and enemies fall at your feet, Lord Potter-Black. What can we do for you today?"

I could tell that Snape was impressed with the way I was dealing with the goblins. No one knows that if you pay respect to them, they pay respect to you.

"I would like to get a purge for myself. Then, I would like to check my family ledgers." I said.

"Please follow Rantoul. He will lead you to the room for the purge and them show you your family accounts." The goblin said and pointed at another goblin.

We followed the goblin to a room behind the tellers' desks.

Rantoul said, "The one who is going to go  through the purge, please lie down at the center of the rune while the other shall be given the account book." As he fetched two books.

When I removed my outer robes and lay down at the center of the runes, Rantoul gave Severus my account books.

He then walked to the runes and chanted something in Gobbledygook. Pain soared through me, but I managed not to scream. That was the only positive side of staying with the Dursleys. I had a high pain tolerance.

When the pain subsided, Rantoul told me that I could get up.

I got up, picked up my outer robes, and walked to Snape, who was looking at me.

"You didn't scream." He stated. He might have seen many screaming in pain during a purge that he was shocked that I didn't.

I shrugged. "So, how much did they steal from me?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Don't try that with me, Potter. Now tell me how, or I'll cast the prior health history spell on you." Snape said. I knew he was serious.

"My relatives used to beat the crap out of me saying that magic was foul and they wanted me to be normal like them. Vermon and Dudley liked breaking my bones or hitting me black and blue. Vermon personally liked to whip me with his belt. Petunia liked to hit me with pans and put by hand over the burner if the food was burnt.
I am used to pain now, Snape. It is just like an old friend that sticks to you till you die." I said. I got over my abuse. I was okay now. I didn't flinch if I was touched all of a sudden.

Snape looked so mad, I took a step back from him. He closed the distance between us in two long strides and hugged me. I didn't know why, but it felt good. I felt safe in his arms.


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