Chapter 38

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"Fred" is Fred speaking
"George" is George speaking
"Fred and George" is both speaking

Hadrian's POV
When I opened my eyes, it was already bright outside. George was sitting by the bed and reading a book, and Fred was not in the room.

George must have noticed me turning my head, so he put the book down and looked at me.

"Good morning, Hades. How are you feeling today?" George asked.

That was the moment Fred walked in with a tray of food in his hands.

"Good morning, Hades. How do you feel now?" Fred asked.

I smiled at the similarity in the way they asked me. "I'm am at the best condition I have ever been in my life." I said.

I was about to get up when George helped me up. "I am okay now, I can sit by myself." I said.

"Only for an hour, Hades. We almost lost you yesterday. Let us feel that you are with us. We need physical contact." They said.

I smiled and let them do what they wanted.

Fred decided that he wanted to feed me. George pulled me close to him so that I was entirely leaning on him.

When I completed my breakfast, Kreacher popped in and took the tray and dishes away.

"Hades, tell the truth, how bad was the pain?" They asked.

"What was the most painful injury for you?" I asked.

"When the bludger hit us. It destroyed the shoulder bone. That was the most painful for us." They said.

"Well, I also had my shoulder destroyed when I was young. So, if you want to know the pain level, it was almost 10 times greater than that, but it was for the entire body and not just one part." I replied.

They hugged me immediately. "Don't push yourself too hard when it is our turn. We don't want you in pain to reduce ours. You had too much pain in your life already, Hades." They said.

"I won't push my limit. You will feel pain, I would just help in making your body numb to the pain during the transformation. Mortem explained it to me in the realm. I know how to numb your bodies without me taking the pain." I said with a smile as I rubbed my head to Fred's shoulder.

They smiled at me.

Dad entered the room and saw that I was awake. He walked to me and held my hand. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes, dad. I'm okay. I have never felt better." I said with a smile.

"Then why haven't you come down?" Dad asked.

"Blame us. We wanted him to ourselves for some time after what happened yesterday." My twins said.

"I don't blame you. I would've done the same." Dad said as he smiled and shook his head.

"Hadrian, I need to tell you something about Tom and me." Dad said.

"Are you planning on getting back with him?" I asked. I am actually okay with it, but it was way too easy for him.

"Yes, but I have a condition." Dad said with a smile.

It's Dad we're talking about. Why would he make it easy after what he's been through? I feel like a fool for thinking that it would be easy for Tom.

"I said that you need to call him father and accept him as part of the family for him and me to get back together." Dad said with a smirk.

I smiled as I shook my head.

"You know it would take time for me to accept that he would not hurt me and for me to realize that he'd put me and you first before himself when needed, right?" I asked.

"I know. It is exactly the reason why that is the condition. He would know how he has affected you. He would never in his life do something like this to someone ever again." He said.

"Alright. But if you want him back, you have to tell me. If I feel okay with him around me by then, I will call him father." I said.

Dad nodded. "Want to come down? Your godson is asking for you." He said.

"Yeah. But after some time." I said.

Dad understood that I wanted to be with my twins for a little while longer. He just gave me a knowing smile and walked out of the room.

Fred and George put their heads on my shoulder and held my hands.

After a while, Fred said, "We better go down. Merlin knows how Teddy I'd doing with the Marauders."

I smiled as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

After a warm shower and putting on some jeans and a t-shirt, I went down to the hall along with my twins, who decided that they would wait for me and go down together.

When Teddy saw me, he ran towards me. When he was close enough, I picked him up and held him in my arms.

He was giving me the biggest smile I have seen on his face. "Harry. Are you okay now? Uncle Sev told me that you are okay." He asked.

"I am alright now, champ. What were you doing?" I asked.

"Papa said that he was going to put a plant in the backyard. I helped him. He also helped me bathe. See, I am clean." He said as he spread his hands wide to show me that he didn't have any mud on him.

"Very nice, Teddy. You are sparking." I said.

"I am not." He pouted.

"You are Teddy. See." I said as I conjured some sparkle in my hand after I touched his hair and showed it to him.

Remus and Sirius, who saw what I did, were trying their best to hold their laughter.

For a while, Teddy thought that I got the sparkle from his hair and kept touching his hair.

Only when Sirius broke down laughing did he realize that he was pranked.

He pouted when Remus, James, Lily, Fred, and George started laughing. Dad, Tom, and I were smiling.


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