Chapter 36

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"Fred" is Fred speaking
"George" is George speaking
"Fred and George" is both speaking

Hadrian's POV
"Will you stay with me till night?" Teddy asked.

"Yes. I'll stay with you till the night. But you have to sleep with your papa and uncle Sirius." I said.

Teddy nodded and hugged me. "Get well, Harry." He said.

"I will, Teddy. I will be alright soon." I promised.

Remus was watching us and smiling.

"You make a good Godfather Hadrian." Remus said.

"Thanks, Remmy." I said with a smile.

After dinner, I was not able to bear the pain. I asked Teddy to go to Remus, which he did obediently when he noticed that I was in pain.

I went back to my room with my twins' help and layed on the bed.

Dad and Tom followed.

"How is the pain? Higher than yesterday, or the same?" Dad asked.

"Higher than yesterday." I said.

"It will be at its peak today." Mortem appeared at the corner and said.

"Is it today then?" I asked.

"Yes master. Today is the day. It should have been three days later, but the process got faster because your magic was making it faster." Mortem said.

"My magic?" I asked. I didn't know my magic could do that.

"Yes master. Your magic knows that your twins will get their transformation in two days from now. You need to be in your best condition to look after both of them. Since they are soul twins, they would feel each other's pain as well. And your God son needs you. He is still traumatized." Mortem replied.

"Can I somehow reduce the pain they might be in?" I asked. I didn't want them to go through what I am going through. They would also feel each other's pain. I don't want to see them in pain.

"Yes master. All you have to do is continuously feed them your magic. Their process will only last for two days, so it will be alright." Mortem said and disappeared since he knew I had no other questions.

"How long was yours, Hades?" Fred asked.

"A month. I have been feeling the pain for a month." I said.

"When you came to meet us two weeks ago, you were in pain?" George asked.

I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" They asked.

"I didn't even know why I was in pain. The healer said that nothing was wrong with me." I said.

"Does that mean you were in pain before the purge? And you didn't even scream." Dad asked.

Tom turned to look at me so fast that his neck might have been bruised.

"Yeah. It was evening, so yes, I was in pain." I replied.

"I should have given the Dursleys a better dose of pain." Dad mumbled.

"You gave them enough pain." I said. I tried to smile, but I guess it looked painful.

An hour later, Sirius and Remus walked in.

"Is that how he is all night?" Sirius asked the moment he saw me.

Fred nodded.

"Calm down, Moony." I said when I saw Remus' eyes turning amber.

When the eyes were back to green, "He feels that he is going to lose his cub." Remus said.

"I might be dead for a couple of minutes." I replied.

"Hades, I think it is starting. We are starting to feel a void in us. As if we are going to lose a soul close to us." My twins said.

"I guess. The pain is terrible." Is said.

"It is time, my master." Mortem appeared and said.

I nodded.

The pain kept increasing exponentially, but I tried my best not to scream. Teddy was sleeping, and I'd rather not wake him up by shouting.

When the pain was too much for me to bear, Mortem took his scythe and placed the sharp tip above my heart. "I shall start to give your soul the final enhancement. Bear with me master." He said. His voice showed that he was sorry for me yet had pride that I had come this far.

I nodded.

He started to chant something in the death tongue, which I could not comprehend.

When the tip touched my body, the pain increased by 10 folds, and I blanked out.

When I opened my eyes, I was lying on a bed. It was not mine. Fred, George, dad, Tom, Sirius, and Remus were not there.

"Welcome to my realm, my master." Mortem said as he appeared beside the bed.

"Please put on the robes that are beside you and walk out of the door." He said and disappeared as a door formed a few feet away from the bed.

I changed my clothes to the robes he pointed at and walked to the door, and opened it.

It was just the like the one I saw after I was hit with the killing curse by Tom at the forest.

"It is the same, master. This is where we collect the souls. This is the space between life and death.
This is where you will meet the people you kill and escort them to my realm where I deal with them. As I have said, you will only kill those whose time is up and refuse to die." He said.

I nodded.

He showed the entire path from the space between life and death to his realm. He showed where I could I stay in the realm if I wanted to. He also showed the room the passage that would lead to his room.

My room has been modified to look like the one from Grimmauld Place.

"I know the realm is new to you, master, so I have arranged your room to look like the one you designed at Grimmauld Place." Mortem said.


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