Chapter 10

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"Fred" is Fred speaking
"George" is George speaking
"Fred and George" is both speaking

Hadrian's POV
When Amelia replied to Fluer, my chest was starting to hurt. It has been going on for a while these days, and now I know the pain is thanks to the poison in me.

"You have permission from my wife and me to use veritaserum on our daughter, and as Arthur requested, we would like to stay and listen." Hermione's father said.

Amelia nodded. She took the veritaserum from one of the aurors and cast a body bind spell on all four of them when they tried to move.

She chose to question Ginerva first. She poured three drops on her tongue, and when her eyes dilated, she asked, "What is your name?"

"Ginerva Molly Potter nee Weasley."

"When were you born?"

"11 August, 1981."

"The veritaserum is working." Amelia looked at us and said. "Why did you use love potions on Lord Potter-Black?"

"I am the only one who deserves Harry. My brothers are not worth him."

"Did you block their bonds?"


"Then who blocked their bonds?"

"The headmaster and my mother."


"They do not deserve Harry. If they have Harry, my mother, Ron, Hermione, and I won't be able to take money from him, and neither can the headmaster. So we blocked their bonds."

"Do you accept stealing from Lord Potter-Black?"



"Harry has to face dangers all year. We needed the money to be with him and train him to be on the light side."

"He would naturally be on the light side. Why train him?"

"Harry would have been sorted into slytherin if he did not meet my brother. He would have also accepted Malfoy's hand. He would become another Tom Marvolo Riddle after all the abuse."


"Yes. Headmaster Dumbledore knew about the abuse. He put Harry with the Dursleys so that they would abuse him, and when Harry enters the wizarding world, he will look up to him and obey him. But Harry was turning dark. He was starting to hate muggles. We had to brainwash him that all muggles are not bad many times."

"Why did you use poison then? You were getting money from already?"

"I wanted all of it, and Harry used to ask how I got the new accessories and dresses. I needed more to get another Pureblood wizard to marry, and the money I had was not enough. The money I get from Dumbledore is being used up for the ingredients of the love potion alone, I don't have anything remaining for myself."

I was trying to hold myself back from letting my magic snap at her. How could she do this to me, and for such a petty reason?

"What poison did you use on Lord Potter-Black?"

"I don't know."

She gave Ginerva the antidote. When she was back, she was panicking. She knew she was screwed.

"Take custody of her. We shall take her and the remaining to Azkaban for their crimes. Now, it is just a formality." Amelia said.

The pain in my chest was getting unbearable. I was trying to rub it without anyone noticing, but my twins had already taken notice of my action.

"What happened, Hades?" My twins asked.

Ron was laughing. "He only has three months to live now. When the pain is too much to bear, he will start coughing out blood. Your time is over, Potter."

"I will decide how long I will live. You don't get to decide it for me." I snarled.

Then I fell on my knees and started coughing violently. When I was done, I tasted blood in my mouth.

I know my time was less, but I wanted a little more time with my twins. I wish I could live that long.

Slowly, the temperature of the hall dropped. From the corner of the room, all of us could see a shady figure emerging.

"Did you call me master?" The figure asked.

I didn't know who it was. I could feel it was a male, but I had no guarantee.

"I am a male, master. My name is Mortem, or as others like to call..."

"Death." I finished.

Death, or Mortem, removed the hood covering his face. He was handsome. He had aristocratic features.

"It is said that the Master of Death is immortal. Will Hades die?" My twins asked.

"You mean the poison in master?" Mortem asked. When my twins nodded, he laughed. "That puny poison can not kill my master. Who said it would kill him?" He asked.

All of us pointed at Ronald.

Mortem looked at him and smirked. "So, it was you who gives my master the poison every day. Do you think it will kill him? No. It can't kill a person who died and is returned back to the land of the living. Master has to die to become the Master of Death. Master has already experienced death twice. Do you think you have the skill to do it a third time? No, you don't."

"I am already dead?" I asked. My twins were holding onto me tightly.


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