Chapter 40

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"Fred" is Fred speaking
"George" is George speaking
"Fred and George" is both speaking

Hadrian's POV
When Remus asked what happened, I told him that I'd tell him when we got to the hall and sat.

"Adromeda has been sent to Azkaban for what she has done, and two more crimes added to Dumbledore." Dad said as he sat down.

Teddy was not letting go of me, so I hugged him as I sat, and Fred and George put their hands on his legs, telling him that they were with him.

"She accepted that she tried to hurt Teddy." I said.

"She also said that Nyphadora was okay with the training as long as Teddy got famous." Fred said.

"She said that Dumbledore also tried to train Teddy whenever he came." George said.

"He not only used the tickling charm but also mild stinging charm." My twins said.

"That was not all. That old bastard tried to block Teddy's metamorphmagus ability." I said.

Remus' eyes were amber, but he was still seated.

"I know, Moony. I know your blood is boiling after listening to what he's done to your son, but trust me, so is mine. I know for a fact that we would get Dumbledore to ourselves to punish as the damage he's done to me is the highest ever seen and recorded. Molly would be given to Arthur and the Prewett twins for trying to block their soul bond, feeding love potions, and illegally adopting two children into the line of Weasley, and blocking the soul bond between Fred, George, and me thanks to the Olde rules written by Lady Magic herself. I know for a fact that Arthur would rather give her to us than see her face ever again.
So be patient. We'll get them, eventually." I said. Fred and George agreed with me.

Moony nodded. A few moments later, his eyes turned back to normal.

"Will I see Granny again, Harry?" Teddy asked.

"You won't, Teddy. She is on her way to the prison." I said as I pat his head.

"You said that we would get the old man and Molly. What did they do?" He asked.

"You want to know?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Okay. My name, Teddy, was supposed to be Hadrian Marvolo Prince-Slytherin. You see, Severus Snape is my bearer, the one gave birth to me, and Tom over there is my father." I said as I pointed at Dad and Tom.

"He took me away from Dad and put me with the Potters. They renamed me as Harry James Potter. Sirius later adopted me, so I became Harry James Sirius Potter-Black. He, along with Molly, blocked the soul bond between Fred and George and me." I said.

"What is a soul bond, Harry?" He asked.

"It is a bond that tells you who your other half is. Your wife or husband, based on the gender of the mate. Other than family, only your soulmate would love you without any conditions." I said.

"So, Papa and Uncle Sirius are soulmates?" He asked.

"Yes, Teddy. But, can you tell me how you know that." I asked.

"I see a red thread from your finger to Fred and George and from Fred and George to you. Uncle Severus and Uncle Tom have a thread connecting each other. So I thought that Papa and Uncle Sirius were also soulmates." Teddy said.

Being shocked was an understatement. He could see who were soulmates.

"Do we have a thread too, Teddy?" James asked.

Teddy saw his hand and then Lily's hand and nodded. "You have a thread to Aunt Lily." He said.

"What about me, Teddy?" Regulus asked.

"You have one, but I don't know where the end is. It is going out to the door." He said as he pointed the door.

"Teddy, can we go to the bank?" I asked.

"Okay." He said as he hugged me again.

"Are you thinking of getting him an inheritance test?" Remus asked.

"Yes. If the man tried to block his metamorphmagus ability, he could have tried some other blocks as well. And you six are coming with me. Put your cloaks on. We are getting you new identities." I said

"Will I still be a Black?" Sirius asked.

"You, Regulus, James, and Tom will have your own surnames, but I don't think I can give the Lordships back to you. It would look suspicious." I said.

They smiled and nodded.

"Lily and Remus, I think you know that you will be taking Potter and Black last names as you are their mates." I said.

They nodded.

A few minutes later, we flooed to the bank.

When Rantoul saw us coming, he showed us to a separate room.

"May your gold keep flowing, Rantoul." I said.

"And may your enemies lie at your feet, Lord Slytherin-Gaunt." Rantoul said.

"It is Hadrian as you know Rantoul." I said with a smile.

"What can I do for you, Hadrian?" He asked.

"You must have heard that Dumbledore tried to block the Black Family trait in my godson, Edward Lupin. I want an inheritance test done for him so that I could be at peace knowing that he didn't block any, or if he did, I want them broken so that he would not suffer in a long run.
I would like new identities for James and Lily Potter, Sirius and Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, and Tom Riddle." I said.

Rantoul looked at Tom and said, "Finally got your soul back in one piece. It is good to have you back, Tom."

"Thank you, Rantoul." Tom replied with a smile.

Rantoul got up to get the paper and the ritual dagger. He placed it in front of me.

I turned Teddy around in my lap so that he was facing Rantoul and said, "Teddy, the old man who hurt you tried to block your skill to change forms. I think he might have tried to block other talents, too." I said.

Teddy looked at me and nodded.

"I know it is scary, but I promise that it won't be too painful. We need seven drops of blood from your hand." I said.

He nodded as he put his hand in mine.

I smiled. I took the dagger and very carefully poked his finger. He hissed in pain, but he didn't do anything else. Once I got seven drops to fall on the sheet, I healed his hand and hugged him.

A few moments later, words formed on the paper.

"You see the test results. I will go collect the family trees of the Blacks, Potters, and Gaunts so that they can adopt new names." Rantoul said as he walked out of the room.

I picked the paper up to read, and once I got to his soulmate, I knew my suspicions were right. There were a number of blocks to his magic and other abilities.


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