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Chamber got a notification on his phone, rushing at the protocol. He had a mission with Fade and Jett.

Brimstone was waiting for them, and he led them in the plane.

"Listen to me carefully. Sage is currently in another mission, and she might not come back in 2 weeks. Skye is in the back to heal you, but she can't save you if you die. So please don't rush and get yourself killed."

Brimstone explained, opening the door for them to get out. Everyone walked out, getting ready for the fight.


Viper heard there was a mission and wanted the names who got there. She was not happy with people being sent into mission when Sage is not available. She started to walk at the Protocol, getting inside. Killjoy and Cypher were watching the area through the cameras. Viper walked in there, putting a hand on Kj's shoulder and leaning on there to see the camera.

"No movement in this area. I don't think they entered."

Killjoy said, Cypher checking other cameras.

"Who did they send?"

Viper asked, Cypher looking at her.

"Jett, Fade and Chamber."

He answered, turning his attention back to the screens.

"When will Sage be back?"

"In a week."

Viper sighed, leaning back and crossing her arms.

"Why did we send them if we can't help them if they die?"

"Brimstone trusts them."

Viper walked away, heading at the kitchen in the Protocol. She was angry at Brimsone and surely gonna talk with him later. She grabbed a cup and drank some water.

Reyna walked in, walking right next to her.

"You look stressed."

"Brimstone sent some people to mission when Sage is missing for 1 week."

Viper answered, leaning on the counter as she got another cup of water.

"He could've sent me."

Reyna said, sitting on one of the chairs.
Viper nodded, sitting next to her.

"I will talk with him about this."


"There are enemies at B site. They are rushing."

Chamber told through the earpiece, backing away a little and getting his gun out from his body.

He aimed at the entrance of the site, focusing. He shot a Neon who was trying to rush into the site and backed away again.

"Neon down."

He talked again, backing away more. He was about to move again to shoot one of them when he felt a bullet on his chest. He held the place he had been shot and leaned back. He felt some blood coming out of his mouth.

"I need backup."

He said, his voice cracking. Jett ran to the site when she saw him, and she started to talk.

"We need backup. We have someone who needs serious treatment."

Brimstone sent Phoenix and Yoru inside, Yoru taking Chamber at the plane as Skye tried her best. She was not able to heal him but was able to keep him alive. He needed a doctor to help him right now. The mission ended up failing.


Viper heard the door opening and looked in the direction. They were carrying someone inside the hospital beds. She walked towards them, her eyes widening as she noticed Chamber laying there with blood. She quickly walked behind them.

"How is his situation?"

"Need medical care a lot."

"I will do it."

Viper ran towards the room they brought him at and told every doctor inside to get out. She wanted to handle herself. Chamber was still awake, but he didn't have the energy to talk. He looked at Viper's face, staring at her eyes. He only focused on her eyes. He kept his smirk on his face even though he was in the worst situation he could be in. Viper was shouting at the other doctors. He couldn't hear what she was saying. He felt her eyes locked in his, and she called his name.

"Chamber, do you hear me?"


He nodded, his voice weak. Viper put a hand on his cheek, making eye contact with him.

"I can't put you to sleep. You must stay awake in the whole operation. I know it's going to be painful, but please don't ever let yourself sleep..."

Chamber nods his head, leaning back. Viper removed his shirt and took a look at the bullethole. Skye couldn't heal him because the bullet got into pieces inside Chamber's body. Viper took her things and started the operation. She was stressed, afraid of losing him. She knew someone would get hurt in this mission. She was angry at Brimsone.

Chamber holds his breath, wincing in pain. Viper was so focused on her work.


Skye waited outside, Brimstone walking in.

"Who is the injured one?"

"Chamber. Viper wanted to do the operation by herself."

Brimstone nodded, waiting. He knew that Viper was going to be so angry at him. He knew that she had the right to be angry at him, too.

Viper closed the place he had been shot at. She did finish the operation after 2 hours. After all work, she removed her gloves and rubbed his hand for comfort.

"It's all done. You can fall asleep now."

She said, staring into his eyes. Chamber smiled, staring back into her eyes. They stayed like that for a good time before the door opened. Viper quickly looked at the door backing away from Chamber. Brimstone walked in, going right next to Viper. Chamber closed his eyes, resting while listening to them.

"Liam. Are you out of your mind?"

Her voice was calm, but Brimstone knew she wasn't calm, surely angry.

"Look, Sabine, I know I didn't do the right thing, but I thought I could trust them with this."

Viper shook her head, crossing her arms.

"I trust them too, Liam. But the people we are fighting are us too! You notice that, right?"

Her voice was still calm, but it was angry. Before Brimstone could answer, she continued.

"And Sage is gone for a whole week! So that means if Chamber was dead, he was dead right now. And did we even get out of there with success? No."

She would never get angry at Brimstone normally, but this time, he really pissed her off. Viper sighed.

"Look, Liam. I know you trust these kids a lot, but they are all so childish. Don't risk anyones life again."

Brimstone nodded, leaving the room.


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