Prologue: The Hidden One

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(No one's Pov)

Harumi was confused.  The ninjas were confused.  Even Misako, Master Wu and Garmadon were confused.  They all were confused about the boy who kept putting on masks or maybe the other way around, taking off the endless sea of masks.  They didn't even know which one was, putting on more masks or taking off masks.  It was all just a big mystery.  This all started about few months ago, when one of the 3 oni masks were stolen and they were invited to the royal palace.

"I present to you, the exalted Emperor and Empress of Ninjago...  And their son, Jade Prince...  Prince Yin," the guard said as he let the ninjas into the throne room.  

The ninjas bowed down and Morro swore the blond hair, glowing green eyed prince looked familiar.

"The honor is all ours," Harumi replied back.

"Prince Yin..."  Harumi called to the prince, the ninjas behind her.

"Please, call me Yin.  I never liked people calling me with titles when I never deserved them.  Actually I should be the one calling you guys with a title," the blond prince smiles brightly.

"Wh, what!?  No!  You shouldn't do that Prince Yin," Harumi panicked.

"Then, I wouldn't call you with titles and you call me without one too.  How does that sound?"





"Only someone with an oni blood can get the mask," Yin said as he, Harumi, and Morro got closer to the pedestal that had a purple oni mask on it.

"Go on Morro."

Morro slowly reached to grab it, but was stopped by Harumi.

"Wait...  How did you know that?" Harumi asked.


"How did you know that Morro was part oni?"

Morro and Harumi looked back at Yin.  Morro starting to realize something.

"Only Jay and I was in the room when Mystake slipped that."

"I must've heard it from Jay."

Yin looked very calm while Morro and Harumi slowly moved to block the pedestal from Yin's sight.

"No, Jay never will say that to anyone.  How did you know that, Yin?"

Without missing a beat, Yin jumped up and grabbed the oni mask landing on the other side of the room.

"How did you grab the oni mask!?"  Morro yelled, then it hit him, "YOU are the Hidden one!"

"A hair from their family,"  Yin said as he pulled some hair from blindfolded Wu and Misako, who was in a cage along with all the ninjas.

"Don't do this, Yin." Kai growled.

"Yeah!  You don't want to bring Garmadon back to life.  Trust me.  No offense Harumi,"  said Jay.

"Non taken since he's trying to bring back the evil side of my dad," said Harumi.

"Oh, be quiet.  Or I'll have to make you, and I don't think you guys will love that since it involves a bit of violence," Yin chuckled as he placed the bowl with hair in the summoning circle."

"You failed ninjas.  You failed from the start," Yin growled as he got arrested.

"Actually, I think you are the one failed.  But I should thank you for bringing my dad back, that is not only his evil side," Harumi scoffed.  

"You will see, they are coming and all of you are going to come to me, asking for help," Yin smirked as he got shoved into the police car.

This is TERRIBLEEEEEEE!  Ughhhhhh!

Anyways, for those who might be a little bit confused(or maybe didn't read the A/N before this), here's a quick recap.

Harumi is the green ninja and Morro is a ninja too.  Morro is actually part oni and Mystake knew that, and accidentally "slipped" the information to Jay and Harumi.  Wu is alive in this storyline he never got lost in time and Garmadon is now back as Sensei/Master Garmadon! (Yayyyyy!)  How?  Well, when Yin resurrected him, he came back as his good self instead of his bad self.  Also, Harumi is calling him dad cause she got adopted by him and Misako.  Morro also realized that Yin was the Hidden One when he grabbed the mask thanks to a clue hinting that the Hidden One might be an oni.  I changed the Quiet One to the Hidden One.

Well, I think that's all.  Thanks for reading this.  Feel free to correct me on any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Sunflower out!

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