Chapter 25: Promise Me

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Oh, wow. I actually wrote two chapters this week, even with homeworks. Hah, take that teachers who gave me homeworks. Anyways, have some final Lloyd and Morro bonding moment before the battle. I promise you that this is the last chapter before the battle starts. 

(This chapter was supposed to be way more sadder, but I decided to save it for other chapters... *laughs evilly*)

(Morro's Pov)

Morro was mad. He was mad at Lloyd. He approached the blond, who was asleep on top of the monastery roof. He looked peaceful and happy, something Morro had never seen from him since forever. Even though he didn't wanted to wake his cousin, he forced himself to, the reason why he came to find him was way too important.

"Go away," Lloyd whined, trying to go back to sleep, "I need a nap before I have to fight."

"You know why I'm here and that I'm not going any where until you give me a good enough reason to," Morro said.

The blond sighed and got up, rubbing his eyes. "Did you ever heard of "With great power, comes with great need to take a nap," and do you know what the next line is? It's "Wake me up later." So yeah, wake me up later when the onis are like really near."

The blond tried to go back to sleep, but Morro held his wrist firmly, preventing him from laying back down. "You used your powers to create 9 bracelets. A permanent, stable ones that let's the users use your power whenever they want to," he said, angrily. 

"So? I've created bunch of crystals before out of thin air. It's not a big deal," Lloyd shrugged.

"It is a big deal. While the crystals wasn't a permanent ways for the others to use your powers, it still drained you every time it was used. Now with the bracelets, now you're just knocking on the doors of death," Morro argued thinking back to how his cousin's arm became transparent. "I bet both of your arms are transparent right now."

"You sure about that? I'll be ok, Morro," Lloyd said, smiling, "You can't get rid of me that easily and look, my arms are fine too." Lloyd rolled up his sleeves to reveal a perfectly normal(as long as no one doesn't try to count how many scars are there), solid arm.

Morro could tell that Lloyd wasn't going to back down. He saw the determination and courage in his eyes. His eyes were full of life now, just like he was when he was young. The little boy that Morro had gotten so fond of and decided to do everything to protect him. The young boy that begged him to not to go. But it also contained sadness and pain like the young boy that was so terrified and ashamed of his own powers...

"Then take this," He said, taking out what he brought with him from one of the old boxes he had in his room. An exact replica of the bracelet Lloyd had given to him that he has given to the blond years ago. Lloyd's eyes widened at the sight of the bracelet.

"I thought you lost it...?" The blond said under his breath.

"I did, and I found it again," Morro said, looking at beloved cousin, "So don't lose it again."

He put the bracelet on Lloyd's wrist.

"Don't you dare lose it. If you lose it, promise to me that you'll find it again and give it back to me. Until then, I'll keep this one," he said as he nodded at his own bracelet, "When you come back and give it back to me, I'll give this one back. Ok?"

Lloyd looked shocked and something else that he couldn't put his finger on it. "What if I lose it?"

"No more candy for you," Morro said, before Lloyd could complain, he continued, chuckling and pulling the blond into a hug, "Just promise me that you'll be fine and that you'll come back to me again."

He could feel Lloyd's hand gripping onto his gi, squeezing it. Soon, he felt the tears coming down his cheeks onto his gi, staining it, but he didn't care. He only hugged Lloyd harder, holding onto the shaking and sobbing blond.

"I'm scared, Morro," Lloyd whispered, his breath shaky.

"I know, I am too," Morro whispered back, his own tears threatening to come out.

"Promise me that you'll come find me," Lloyd said, "I don't want to be alone this time."

Morro remembered him leaving the monastery to try to find Lloyd, which led to his death. After he found his hidden memories, he kept wondering why Lloyd left some of his memories of him unhidden while the others were hidden. Now, maybe, perhaps maybe, Lloyd was silently pleading him to find him. To rescue him from the loneliness and the cruel destiny and life of his.

"If you promise that you'll come back."

"I promise," both of them promised as the bell rang, signaling that the onis were closing in. 

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