(Lloyd's Pov)
"For the last time, I get it, so shut up!"
I whispered/growled at the red ninja.
"But you literally pushed us over the building, which I should remind you, it was 60 floors high, into the darkness!"
He whispered/yelled.
"I really don't get how in the world Harumi and Master Garmadon isn't freaking about it like I am right now. Sure, Morro has his wind power to slow himself down, but we don't. We were free falling into our death!"
"You are starting to sound like Jay," Greeny sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"And Cole combined actually," Morro added.
"Can you ninjas never stop talking? Besides, neither of you died. So what's the big deal?" I said.
"Well, for your information, you just caught us by grabbing one the back of our gi just before we hit the ground for me and Harumi. You didn't do anything for Morro and Master Garmadon!"
Red exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Yep, definitely Jay," Harumi shook her head.
I groaned, regretting bringing them with me.
They were currently in the darkness, figuring their way to the Borg Tower. Which was not a enjoyable trip for himself, due to all of his hair standing up even with a slightest of sound that his super-non-human hearing picked up. Which, kept picking up the bickering from the ninjas.
"Shut up, we're almost there. Get ready to test those powers. They are coming," I said, getting getting my claws ready.
I started to run, the ninjas and their master following shortly behind me.
(No one's Pov)
The group ran, meeting some onis on the way. But they seemed, weak and fragile. Like they were in great pain or caught on a plague or something. The ninjas were yet to fight any onis due to Lloyd brutality slashing the onis from the front, black ink staining his clothes here and there.
"Come on! Leave some for us!" Kai whined as Lloyd slashed another oni with ease.
"Sorry, but I'd rather stain my clothes in their ink than having to deal with you guys having too much fun with your power. But don't worry, there's a crowd of onis in the next room, and they are powerful than these are," Lloyd smiled, looking back as he kicked an oni in the face. But his face was not a kind and warming one, instead, it sent shivers down the ninjas' back.
They soon entered the next room, which had a lot of onis ready for a fight just like Lloyd has promised. Lloyd entered the crowd of onis, fighting them. Harumi, Morro, Kai, and Garmadon looked at each other, nodding before Garmadon and Morro went to join Lloyd while Kai and Harumi charged up their powers.
(Harumi's Pov)
She didn't know how or what just happened. One second she was charging up her powers, and shot it at the onis. Kai doing the same thing. Then all of the onis disappeared, but instead of black ink, a bit of black ashes remained.
She blinked, her brain taking a moment to figure out what happened and then failing miserably. It looked as though Kai was going through the same thing.
"Are you done just standing there?" Lloyd asked, snapping the two shocked ninjas out of their trance, "Cause we're here."
Harumi looked behind Lloyd. There was a giant hole, only a bit of blue light glowing flickering at the end of the hole.
Hi! Srry for being a short one. I just was typing this in the bus while coming home from school cause I was bored. I like Lloyd and Kai's bond, but I also like Jay and Kai's comedic interactions.
I don't have a lot to say. So, hope you enjoyed the story! Thank you for reading!
Sunflower out!

Fanfiction(Takes place during March of the Oni) (Book Cover is mine! Please don't take it without permission!) Lloyd is the green ninja and Harumi is the Quiet One. But what if they swap their roles? What if Lloyd isn't who he seems is? What if Lloyd is t...